View Full Version : Anyone here teach self-defense using the Bullet-man suit?

01-30-2002, 12:41 PM
If so,please explain your class format ,etc.


01-30-2002, 01:17 PM
what's a bullet man suit?

01-30-2002, 01:21 PM
I use it in conjuntion with bungy jumping.

01-30-2002, 01:27 PM
You know,the big Michelin Man suits used in Model Mugging.


Black Jack
01-30-2002, 01:33 PM
There are other suits which are excellent to, such as FIST and REDMAN.

If you or your school can afford them, you should get them, they are great for full-out situational/enviromental attack drills from which to build technique and most important aggression.

01-30-2002, 01:37 PM
comparable to a FIST suit or Redman/bluemaxx suit?

I was involved with the self defense classes at Ohio State briefly while they used the FIST suit. It is no longer used because of some uppity folks who think that it is too traumatic. I think they're going to break boards now or something.


In the class, the FIST suit was used on the midterm and final. Participation was optional. During the other classes, techniques were practiced against air shields and hand targets.

For the midterm, the attacker and the defender would go toe to toe for about 15 seconds, where the defender was given a chance to basically warm up. The attacker would use cover blocks to protect the head, but it was generally a chance to let the students feel what it was like to connect to the target, and see that the person wasn't being hurt.

The next part consisted of the defender being grabbed from behind, and pulled to the ground. The defender had 45 seconds to either incapacitate the attacker and escape, or keep fighting until the whistle blew. The attacker, aside from the initial grab, doesn't do a lot of fighting back, but does a great deal of trying to realistically react to the attacks.

I did a few midterms in the suit, and it was tough. The headgear was less than adequate, the face plate fogged up from breath, and I basically overheated. Not to mention the helmet almost slipped off my head.

I generally found it to be a good thing. I never really felt in danger as the attacker (if I did, we had signals planned to stop the fight) Most people felt it was a good experience. A few people had negative experiences from the fight (lack of good technique, inability to escape) in this case we tried to encourage the students to use this as a catalyst to improve your training rather than feel helpless.

I think it's about as realistic as you can create while keeping the students safe. You do have to make sure the padded attacker is trained, knows where they are vulnerable in the suit (joints tend to be exposed) and they should know to react to the attacks even if they can't feel them.

Good luck. I'm glad to hear you're teaching self defense classes. It's a good thing to see people sharing their gifts.

01-30-2002, 02:12 PM
No ..... Everything we do is in our regular clothes.

In fact my Sifu's Sifu once taught a special class to some local topless dancers on how to deal with customers that couldn't control their hands. It was all locks and pressure points because they would be fired if they struck a customer or created a scene. And all the participants were required to wear their work clothes. After all, what works in sweats may not work without them. ;)

01-30-2002, 02:21 PM
sounds like a fun class…

01-30-2002, 02:24 PM


01-30-2002, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by Highlander
No ..... Everything we do is in our regular clothes.

In fact my Sifu's Sifu once taught a special class to some local topless dancers on how to deal with customers that couldn't control their hands. It was all locks and pressure points because they would be fired if they struck a customer or created a scene. And all the participants were required to wear their work clothes. After all, what works in sweats may not work without them. ;)


sounds like the guy who gave free kickboxing classes to local strippers to fill the classes with hotties.