View Full Version : Need some advice

African Tiger
01-30-2002, 08:20 PM
Ok, this twerp keeps telling me to go fuk myself on this fantasy sports board.

Now I've been trying to live the Christian/Taoist way and let the whole thing go, but the old Marine Corps temper finally flared up last week. :mad: I straight up challenged him to "put up or shut up", even going so far as to getting his home address - although I thought better of it, and offered to meet him in a public park.

I'm waiting to hear from him at this point, and training my ass off in preparation. I asked him if he wanted to drop it, and if not, let's get it on. I get the feeling, however, that he's much smaller than myself (someone with a severe Napoleonic complex apparently).

So where do I go from here? I could obviously take this guy apart, but part of me is wondering why I need to. For the most part, it's a respect issue - seeing as how this guy doesn't know me from Adam. But this is seriously starting to conflict with my Catholic upbringing, and my Shaolin creed.

Any thoughts? Oh, and boy do I wish this was Ralek :D

01-30-2002, 08:29 PM
I say if you can, just let it go, its not worth it. talk is cheap, and he could be a crazy person... i know marines kick a$$ though so punishment shouldnt be a problem.
There are bigger reasons than some punk running lip to want to tear him apart. hes probably an idiot.
but hey if you both want to do this , and it has to be done then so be it.

African Tiger
01-30-2002, 08:51 PM
and for goodness sakes, I'm not 13 anymore. However, too many of these jack-off 20 year olds don't know how to respect their elders nowdays. **** young'ins!

Not to mention, it was a deliberate attempt to put me down. And...well you know us Marines...we don't go down without a fight.

Justa Man
01-30-2002, 09:14 PM
don't restrict yourself dukes. you say "us marines" and automatically you have things to live up to. look at what you are doing. you are going to fight some cat cuz he won't respect you. sorry dukes, no one HAS to respect you. no disrespect, but who are you that you demand respect from some cat you don't even know?? it $ucks cuz little ****ants seem to be stuck on stupid, but this is life.
let it go brethren. and feel good that you turned the cheek.

01-31-2002, 08:00 AM
Tell him it's anatomically imposible and ask for another suggestion.

01-31-2002, 08:22 AM
From one marine to another, let it go man. We fight so anyone under the american flag can have the freedom to do what they want, even if it is irritating the crap out of you!

Chang Style Novice
01-31-2002, 08:36 AM
Set a time and place to destroy the little twerp, then show up with a picnic lunch and a six-pack. Make sure he knows just how lucky he is that you're such a nice guy, since not everyone is so nice.

01-31-2002, 09:49 AM
so forget it, usually i would say smash the little punk, but if it's going against your Catholic upbringing and what you belive in ...forget it.


01-31-2002, 09:52 AM
End him.

01-31-2002, 10:02 AM
As a marine you should be familiar with the sniper. Ok you challenge some punk to a fight in a park, soo you show up and place yourself in plane view and wait for the park, little do you know he showed up earlier and is settin in the parking lot with a gun. boom your shot, he's gone.
Be careful, the punks nowdays have no guts, no balls, they dont want to take a chance on gettin their arse beat, so they pull a gun (the pusssy's favorite weapon).

01-31-2002, 11:16 AM
why should this kid have respect for someone brave enough to challenge irresponsible brats? so you beat up a kid because you let him get to you. whoopdie shît.he's a toddler on a fantasy sports board who has a temper. if you can't handle a little heat from a punk like that, you're no better than he is.

sorry, tiger wasn't meant as an insult. just as a wakeup call. honestly, let it go. do you really want the respect of some bîtch kid who has no clue of the world, or would you rather have the respect of your peers, like your buddies in the corps, who you know have worked hard and deserve respect as well.

i know, the world would be better if it was like feudal japan and respect and obeisance to tradition and to our elders was commonplace, but it isn't. so set up your own traditions, show respect to those people from whom you want it (those pals in the corps, your fellow martial artists) and delight when you get said respect in return.

and when you see the tyke running his mouth, just think of how much fun he'd be having in boot camp, giggle to yourself and move on.

African Tiger
01-31-2002, 12:01 PM
Especially from guohen ;). This jack-a.ss produces soap operas, so I'm sure he wouldn't know what to say about that.

Sharky - I see you've seen "Good Will Hunting". That was my original thought, although it'd really be an empty victory if I did.

Justa Man - to tell you the truth, everyone should respect everyone. That's the way I was brought up, even as a poor ghetto kid without a father. Respect everyone until they give you a reason not to. I'm not so sure it's about respect or my feelings, but for someone to keep telling me to fuhk myself, means he wants me to shut up. Only two people can make me shut up: my mother and my Senior Drill Instructor from Parris Island - and I'm not so sure about him!

Tao - you know, I was thinking about that, when the little fudgepacker invited me to his house to fight. I doubt he's got the talent to brandish a sniper's weapon, meaning he'd have to get close to me with a handgun. If this goes down, I'm bringing a friend with my .380 in case he pulls one.

Chang Style - I'd rather do that for a homeless man, than some loudmouth punk. But thank you ;)

I guess this is always going to be a conflict within me. Considering my educational and athletic background, and my veteran status, I've got a pretty large chip on my shoulder. (Sheeit, it's not a chip anymore, it's a forrest!)

When some pole smoker tries to knock it off, I guess I get a little defensive. Not to mention, I was a skinny little twerp myself in high school, but I had the sense not to piiiis off people who were larger than me. Maybe I'm just getting old, and I'm tired of little munchkins talking bad ass.

Not to mention, I'm pretty sure I'd piiis off my sifu if he found out about it.

Thanks for the advice all. Red5 - SEMPER FI!

01-31-2002, 12:06 PM
Sounds to me that you are assuming you can kick this guys a#$. This is one of shaolins first lessons in living the martial way.

"Never underestimate your opponent" maybe this guy is small but he fights lie Bruce(in the movies). You dont know this.

sorry man, just a constructive comment.


01-31-2002, 12:07 PM
good luck brother on whatever you gotta do, just do it with honor.

Semper Fi!

African Tiger
01-31-2002, 12:18 PM
I DOUBT IT, highly, however. Most people who can fight like Bruce are humble, and don't go around insulting people. I'm not so sure I can't beat him, but I'd like to give him an opportunity to "make me fck myself", since he keeps saying it.

Actually I did a movie with a mutual friend (How High, for the curious). During the film, I trained him in a little American Kenpo (wouldn't show him the Shaolin stuff :) ) then demonstrated how easily I move for a man my size. When this thing got ugly, I emailed my friend and warned him that this guy is really pushing my buttons, and he's about to get his arse kicked. He didn't respond to my last post, so he may have thought better of his course of action.

Humility and patience are going to be my greatest challenges, I now realize that. Darn that Parris Island!

Red 5, who were you with? Me, 6th Motors in New Jersey, attached to 1st MEF, 1st MarDiv during Desert Storm.

01-31-2002, 12:29 PM
1st FAST "Anytime, Anyplace" I was in Bahrain and Doha During Desert Storm backing up army MP units at a POW camp.

01-31-2002, 12:31 PM
I know what you mean about the more trained someone is the more humble(usually). Sounds like this guys a jerk.

I had a similiar experience with some one who was supposed to be a old highschool hang out buddy. Anyway, I never challenged him out right, I just told him in front of everyone that I did not want to fight him, but there are certain feelings a man cant hold back and that his actions would choose his destiny.

Needless to say he chose the wrong path. I guess some people just take the hard way.

I looks like your splinter is taking the easy way out.

Take care,


"I'm here to make people look at the same situation through a different perspective"

01-31-2002, 01:10 PM
"Tao - you know, I was thinking about that, when the little fudgepacker invited me to his house to fight. I doubt he's got the talent to brandish a sniper's weapon, meaning he'd have to get close to me with a handgun. If this goes down, I'm bringing a friend with my .380 in case he pulls one. "

dont forget a .22 long rifle

to quote master po (from the tv show kung fu)

Seek to preserve the ways of Life
Avoid rather than check
Check rather than hurt
Hurt rather than maim
Maim rather than Kill
For all life is precious
and none can be replaced

The best self defense is to never be there
If you go with the intent of kicking this kids arse to teach him a leswson, than you have already been defeated.

01-31-2002, 01:24 PM
Well I don't know the whole situation. Why are you angered? What did he say? Ask yourself if it's something you can drop or something unforgiveable. What is unforgiveable to you? Killing someone you love? Hurting an innocent person? Kidnapping someone, torturing someone? Has he done any of these? Or what is unforgiveable to you with words? Threats on your family, threats on your friends, etc. Has he done any of this? Or does he just make you go :rolleyes:
If so, ask yourself if its unforgiveable and worth all your upset, etc. You're obviously thinking about this kid enough to post about it here. Is it worth it? If its not, forget about it. Things like that are a "hiccup" in the timespan of life. They mean nothing, and don't last longer than you want them to. Heck people have challenged me over the net before, I could care less. Fight if you have to is what I'd say.


01-31-2002, 01:51 PM
These are my boys---
