View Full Version : So how would it work?

01-31-2002, 08:47 AM
I think a lot of us support the idea, but I also think we each envision it differently. So how do you see this working? Here are some of my thoughts on the subject.

In my area and a lot of areas Chineses sword is not taught. If you can find a place that teaches it, it is usually only taught as a part of a martial art and then only after years of studying that art. I would like to see it taught as something completely separate. Someone mentioned Society for Creative Anachronisms in a previous post. I was a part of this for a short time. And this is how it went.

First I took a class for one semester at the local college to get the basics. For Chinese sword this could be done with seminars. Second the local club meets once a week to practice fencing in a competitive format (round robin sparring). Third the club sent representatives to regional and national competitions and gatherings.

This was a lot of fun and focused on the competitive aspects of sword play. Also, the Society for Creative Anachronisms had an established corriculum. That is, a number of hours of instruction was required prior to your first match. Then a specific number of hours were required fencing with a fiberglass sword before the person could use a metal sword. Also, specific safety equipment was required and that was standard accross all clubs as well as equipment safety inspecitons.

It was a good program. A lot of fun and no injuries that I'm aware of.

01-31-2002, 08:54 AM
OOOPS ....... Sorry, this should have gone under the International Sword thread, but I pushed the wrong button and now it won't let me delete it.

01-31-2002, 09:58 AM
no problem, just copy repost it on the thread