View Full Version : Attn: Kc

01-31-2002, 08:50 AM
How's your manuscript coming?

I'm 3432 words through on my second, and am on the last scene. I should be able to finish this one in 5000 :)


KC Elbows
02-01-2002, 07:58 AM
Sorry I couldn't get back sooner, ice storm took out power.

My piece is at the same place it was, as I had it all saved to my desktop, and I've had no power until a little while ago. Good to hear you're making progress. If the power holds out, I'll probably finish it this week end.

And Ryu, I just thought you might want to plan ahead. Should you become a successful author, you're gonna have even more groupies that you'll have to take to the market, and you might have time management difficulties, so you might want to plan your schedule out:

MONDAY- Write masterpiece, work out, finish day by beating my friend in the profuse manner to which he is now accustomed.

TUESDAY- Take Ryu groupies to the market, book signing in the afternoon.

WEDNESDAY- Write more of masterpiece

THURSDAY- Call Paul, see if my phase ! instructorship is still good.

FRIDAY- Write more of masterpiece, take Ryu Groupies to the market.

With all the trips taking groupies to the market, you might consider getting a mini-van.:D

02-01-2002, 10:58 AM
Well sometimes the groupie thing gets boring...
It'd be nice to find someone with some personality. (oops shouldn't have said that out loud) ;)

Well I'm done with my story. It's 4600 words, but I'm going to write a little intro for it as well.
5000 was not too hard with this one, I really like it.

Take care,

KC Elbows
02-01-2002, 10:09 PM
Good work!

Don't worry too much on the groupie vs. significant other thing. You've got plenty of time. Didn't mean to bring up a sore subject.

I'm gonna finish mine tomorrow and start on a second. I've got a lot of time to kill right now, as I can't work out at all(which sucks very much) except for a little chi kung.

KC Elbows
02-04-2002, 08:34 AM

Almost done! 3753 right now, and I think I'll probably come in at 4500, maybe a little more.

After I'm done, I've got another idea I'm gonna work on for submittal, and when I'm done with that, I'll do final editting on the first one.

Did you submit yours yet?

02-04-2002, 11:02 AM
Talking about my writing puts me in a better mood. :)

I finished, yeah, but I haven't submitted it yet.
I'm having some people read it over and letting my sis (awesome at editing) go through it first.
It's 4800 words or so. I just made it.
Glad to hear you're finishing up, KC. This particular short story's character kind of mirrors some of my feelings. Though most of my characters do. I'm going to try and run with this story and develop it into something longer.

Good luck, man!

KC Elbows
02-04-2002, 11:33 AM
It must be handy having a sis who's a wonder at editting. I've got a friend of mine who helps me with that, she's very good.

I have a feeling I'll be done with both stories by the end of this week. After today, I might be off work for the rest of the week, and I can't do anything but the lightest workouts, so its reading and writing for me. I'm trying to read some newer fiction(Joy Luck Club, at the moment), as much of my reading is non-fiction, and a lot of my favorite reading is from the 20's to the 60's(From Fitzgerald to Phillip K. ****, really), and I want to see where some of the newer blood are taking things.

02-06-2002, 12:37 PM
KC: I've only read "D.A.D.O.E.S.", what else has he written? [yes, I'm a Blade Runner fan!]