View Full Version : Fun with my children

01-31-2002, 01:50 PM
Thought I would share this. Last night, I put my kids to bed as per usual and I had the feeling of 'connectedness' - to put on my gear, move the furniture over, and engage my animals. Well, it turned out to be one of those workouts where everything was right and felt right - in terms of connection, energy, movement and all done in non form expression. Well, my kids heard dad jumping around and making all kinds of wierd noises that they call, 'Kung-Fueee'. So they come out of there rooms and we all started doing animal moves and having a lot of fun. No structure to it - just free movement and expressing ourselves to one another.

Anyway, it was a great moment of connection to the animals in non form and it was that connection I always strive for but don't necessarily always get to. And having my kids be a part of it made it a really neat experience.

Anyway, back to the mundane.


01-31-2002, 02:28 PM
:) Cool.

01-31-2002, 02:38 PM

01-31-2002, 03:01 PM
Sounds a bit " Save the Trees " but i'm sure it was cool.

01-31-2002, 03:15 PM
Sharky considering your a child yourself, its appropriate that you don't understand the paternal bond.

When you have a child of your own, your world will change and many things that you hold important will seem very small and petty, and many of the things that you deem silly or uncool will be things that you won't care about as an adult because they make your child laugh.

01-31-2002, 03:27 PM
wooooooooooooooooooo you been sucking on some lemons or something man, lighten up

01-31-2002, 03:32 PM
I'm not bitter at all, but your "save the trees" comment seemed like a jab at a guy talking about bonding with his kids. I'm just pointing out the reason why you couldn't relate to his.

Maybe I'm a bit oversensitive right now, my family means everything to me and its tough dealing with things right now.

No hard feelings Sharky

01-31-2002, 03:39 PM
All i am saying is that the way he worded it sounded very " fairies and pixies ".

For example:

"they come out of there rooms and we all started doing animal moves and having a lot of fun. No structure to it - just free movement and expressing ourselves to one another. "

"I had the feeling of 'connectedness' - to put on my gear, move the furniture over, and engage my animals."

Come on man, get off your high horse, and learn to joke a little. Patronising people who are younger than you is played out, i'm sick of people coming out with that ignorant stuff. And that's what is. Ignorance. Plus it's the easy way out to try to diss people.

You have never met me. Only one person on this board has ever met me, so i guess he is the only person who has the the right to judge the type of person i really am. Sorry to use my crazy " young speak " but get your head out of your feckin arse.

*sticks tongue out at ST then runs*

Yung Apprentice
01-31-2002, 03:44 PM
How old are you. Just curious, ST makes it sound like your 13.

01-31-2002, 03:52 PM

Yung Apprentice
01-31-2002, 04:17 PM
OH...... At least you don't sound like it!

01-31-2002, 04:32 PM
yeah, i can uze long words to make meself sound interrigant.

Yung Apprentice
01-31-2002, 04:35 PM

01-31-2002, 04:56 PM
You are so full of it Sharky :)

You must be an absolute prodigy if you are at a university at the age of 12 :)

01-31-2002, 05:02 PM
I'm just grateful to my parents really.

01-31-2002, 05:23 PM
Getting a degree in thread hijacking eh? :p

wushu chik
01-31-2002, 07:52 PM
That's cool Phoenix....my boys practice with me all the time...and it is a bonding experience

01-31-2002, 08:20 PM
Nice. A guy opens up with an evocative story about how he connects through martial arts with his children--and he's as much as called a f*g for it.

God, I love this forum!:D

But it was still a great story. I also get a kick out of it when my two little one want to work out with me....:)

01-31-2002, 08:24 PM
I don't want any kids around when i'm 'engagin my animal' man

01-31-2002, 08:25 PM
So far my little one only got the
"head butt" & "head ram" perfected.

When that little Bullet head is incoming, you know it gonna end in a lot of hurt. :D

Ok, he also got a vicious grap and the wife hates his sneaky cold finger attacks.

Gotta luv those rugrats.

01-31-2002, 09:38 PM
"I don't want any kids around when i'm 'engagin my animal' man"


i recently got my little girl doing horse stance with me. she also does snake, crane, and tiger movements. been kicking since before she could walk on her own.

the point that most of you missed is that we often do look like f@gs when playing with our children. especially to people without kids regardless of age. but the privelage of being a parent is not giving a flying fu ck.

i call no harm no foul for both the insensitive and the oversensitive. if anyone has a problem with that i'll stick it in your butt.

01-31-2002, 09:55 PM
man gun, i have a problem with it, you gonna bring it?

02-01-2002, 01:01 AM
It can only take place
When the struggle between our children has ended
Now the Miracle and the Sleeper know that the third is love

Love is the Dance of Eternity

Awesome song, Xebsball!


02-01-2002, 05:18 AM
Yeah its great. And also Part 2 is very cool too.

BTW, a new album just came out, Six Degrees of Inner Turbulance.
I havent bought it since it hasnt been released here yet, but i got a mp3 from a song called "The Glass Prison" and its great.

I realise im an unstable individual :) since yesterday i had quoted a Pantera song on my signature.

02-01-2002, 11:28 AM
xebsball ... i have been waiting for an excuse to violate you.

you sexy b!tch.

02-01-2002, 12:02 PM
What is this...

that staaands before me!?!

Figure in black...

OH GOD!! OH NO!!!!!

My panties are all bloody thanxs to you

02-01-2002, 03:40 PM

02-01-2002, 03:41 PM
Jeezus!!!! GDA, you have spawn?! :o

wushu chik
02-01-2002, 04:22 PM
OMG...that was HORRIBLE...so what if GDA has beautiful children....I am sure he's not as psycho around them as he is us!!! :D

02-02-2002, 02:13 AM
i do and i am

and my daughter hates you too. (http://users.1st.net/abaddon/fam/glare.jpg)

02-02-2002, 06:02 AM
hehe, your daughter is cool :)

Yung Apprentice
02-02-2002, 06:10 AM
Was your daughter doing a spining outside crescent kick?:D

I have the same exact bookcase.

02-02-2002, 12:42 PM
thanks sharky.

here's one where she's not glaring. (http://users.1st.net/abaddon/fam/awadxms.JPG)

yp .. . no. actually she was getting ready to pounce on my neighbor's cat mama kitty. mean little ***** . . . her and the cat. we were laughing so hard we couldnt manage to go pull them off eachother. in the end adora came out with a scratched eyelid and mama came out with a little less of her ear.

02-02-2002, 01:39 PM
fair enough. she looks like she could kick my ass, at least. must've been a tough ass cat.

02-03-2002, 01:37 AM
What a cute picture.

02-03-2002, 05:24 AM
thanks budokan.

02-03-2002, 07:09 PM
Beautiful little girl GDA. How old is she? About 2? I have a three year old son. His favorite move (from or on the couch, chair or bed) is a flying dropkick...both legs up...the kid is completely horizontal for a second before he connects. Scary to see it coming at you when you're not ready. :)

02-03-2002, 07:13 PM
Hi Gda.

Cute little critter.

My little Boy is only 1yr & 5 mnths at the moment.
But he already tries to copy Mom & Daddy at the Kwoon and in the Park.

Funny trying to see the little scam move as slow as me.

Got some serious thigh muscles already. :)