View Full Version : I Challenge You!!

Black Belt Jones 1
02-01-2002, 07:48 AM
Sorry but I'm not challenging anyone. I just was browsing some of the other boards and looking at the challenge match threads. Personally I think that they are all just an effort to discredit a particular poster. To me it is absurd for a person to make an online challenge. Think about it. If I were challenged by someone like Ralek and lets say I were dumb enough to accept, I am the loser all around. If I buy the planeticket to wherever and he doesnt show up I come back here and gripe but what proof do I have? He can just say "Oh BBJ is lying I showed but he didn't". But of course most of us who work a 40 hour week and have a life to finance can't just drop everything, plop hundreds down on a frivilous trip of such epic absurdity. So the person making the challenge can do so without fear of that person ever showing up to accept, and then can boast "Oh he's afraid of me because he wont accept my challenge!" Well if someone did accept a challenge then I would have to say that they are probably out of work and someone other than they are financing the trip. If there were two people who wanted to fight I think that they should work out an agreement to meet in person and discuss it in the presence of two or more wittnesses who have knowledge of the situation then make the challenge after they have seen who they will be fighting. Of course this is equally impractical so I guess what is the point? ANyway I think that anyone who makes an online challenge is just doing so at the expence of the recipient since allparties know that it will nevcer materialize. And any supposed matches that have taken place I wouldn't be;lieve unless I saw the tape.

02-01-2002, 07:56 AM
ralek's challenges have predominantly been with local people. it doesn't cost hundreds of dollars to drive 20 minutes.

02-01-2002, 08:08 AM
I agree...I don't know why RALEK wants to fight in a park...I'll fight him in my own skool with a witness. But I'm not fighting him in a park...u got bird droppings...dog droppings...ants...pee...lol...

02-01-2002, 09:01 AM
Real grapplers consider those things essential Legend! Didn't you know that the mighty Rickson trains at least twice a week on mats completly covered with doggy do. It keeps his aura strong (his aroma isn't weak either..)

02-01-2002, 09:51 AM
We all know Legend just wants to fight on a mat, because mats favor grapplers ;) . In the real world, a grappler would be finished on the street by a scraped knee

02-01-2002, 09:53 AM
Oh no Tigerstyle this is where they get you. Its a little known fact that all grapplers wear kneepads under their clothing for just such an occasion. Wise men indeed..... the true masters wear their gi under street clothes.