View Full Version : Gung Fu Books and Stuff For Sale

Sam Wiley
02-01-2002, 01:22 PM
I have some books and stuff that I either don't use or don't read any more, and I thought I'd put them up for sale.

Baguazhang: Emei Baguazhang by Liang, Yang, and Wu...pretty good book and a great intro to Bagua. Spine is creased and there are some markings inside, but readable and in pretty good condition.

The Sword Polisher's Record by Adam Hsu...pretty good book as well. On Gung Fu in general, and some people have a hard time finding a copy. Almost perfect condition, no broken spine and no markings.

LAO-TZU: "My words are very easy to understand." Lectures on the Tao Teh Ching by Cheng Man-ching. Almost perfect condition, and no markings, which is amazing considering that I bought it to translate the Chinese text of the Tao Te Ching. No broken spine, either. The whole book is a translation of Cheng's lectures on the book, and has some nice insights.

The Art of Happiness by His Holiness the Dalai Lama...Excellent book, hardback with slip cover, can't say enough good things about this book. Nearly pefect condition.

Taiji Chin-Na by Yang Jwing-ming. Nearly perfect condition. Pretty good book, great intro to Taiji or Chin-Na. Lots of info in here.

If you're loking for one of Aleister Crowley's or Carlos Castaneda's books and can't find it , let me know, it may be on my shelf and I'll sell them, too. I also have a couple of other books I'll part with, but I don't want to name them over the 'net. They're not on Taiji, Bagua, Gung-fu or anything related, and are seriously "special interest," and no, they are not porn, nor are they illegal in any way, at least not in America, or at least they weren't when I bought them. They are all archived in two three ring binders. The whole lot goes to one person, if they want them.

I also have a Lion Head sword, minus the tassels, that I bought several years ago. It's a wall hanger most definitely, but a beginner could use it to learn the basics. The blade is about 28" long, stainless steel, comes with scabbard and the attached chain.

I have a second sword with a lotus style hilt, a blade about 32" long or so. Has a black scabbard with a golden dragon painted on. No tassels, no hanging chain or cord. Lightweight blade, though I have no idea what metal it is. Fairly long sword, suitable maybe for wushu demos or something.

I also have a training staff made of Dymondwood (layers of wood bonded and densified to some serious hardness). It's Charcoal Gray, and weighs about 4 pounds or so. It's about 48" long, the size of a Jo staff or Taiji's short staff. Great for training wrist strength, body connectivity during staff training, and speed. After practicing with this thing, your normal staff will feel light as a feather. Not for fighting, only for training.

Also, I have a two handed barbarian sword with an oak leaf and acorn motif, about 48" long overall. Conan inspired, but not even close to the design. High carbon steel blade, brass hilt and pommel, hardwood handle. Could be used for fighting, but really only by a BIG person. Weighs about 5 pounds. Blade's a bit rusty, but otherwise in good condition. No scabbard.

I also have an almost exact replica of the sword from Conan the Barbarian. Copper or bronze hilt, don't know which, with wolf heads on the guard, skull on the pommel, and a high carbon steel blade. Not for fighting, but looks great hung on the wall. Blade in perfect condition, no scabbard.

I also have two Angel recorders, one soprano and one alto, both in excellent condition and both with slip case. Not enough emotional dynamic for me, but great for breath training.

Email me at taiji_boxer@hotmail.com if you want to know what I'll take for them, or if you want to make me an offer, I'm open. Don't have to sell everything individually, either.

Sam Wiley
02-01-2002, 01:35 PM
Oh, I also have a rattan 3 section staff I'll part with. Excellent condition, like new.

02-01-2002, 02:00 PM
While there's a thread on the topic, I've got some old videos that I wouldn't mind parting with. If anyone is interested in Adam Hsu's Piguazhang and Bajiquan tapes, give me a shout. I would gladly exchange them for Baguazhang tapes, and potentially for Sun or Hao Taijiquan, Kali, or Silat tapes. Real trading of originals only. You can contact me through my profile.

Sam Wiley
02-02-2002, 12:45 PM
just in case...ttt.