View Full Version : Did you guys know that "ki" is "demonic?"

I Hate Ashida Kim
02-01-2002, 02:41 PM

Uh-oh, I guess I better stop practicing MA because I don't want to go to hell.

This is my favorite part:

Avoid an class which teaches breathing exercises;

Avoid any class which teaches "meditation";

Avoid any class which teaches "Eastern philosophy". American 5th Dan Master Instructor Bob Miller initiates boys as young as 5-year-old into his own free-style version of Hapkido, which is a Korean Martial Art similar to "soft"-style Karate. He has stated: "While I teach them on a physical level, I throw philosophy at them" [32];

Avoid any class which claims to utilize "latent power", for example, by encouraging students to develop their "inner potential" or "spiritual potential";

Avoid any class which claims to give specific training to achieve "calmness of mind" or "equanimity", which is usually a euphemism for training in the cultivation of occult passivity;

Avoid any class which claims to teach a particular school, system, or type of "Martial Art", such as Wu Shu, Karate, Ju-jitsu, Spirit Combat, Feng-sao, or anything ending in -do (e.g. Judo, Yudo, Iaido, Aikido, etc.), as all refer to "Martial Arts";

Avoid any class in which the leaders are secretive and reluctant to discuss special techniques, reserving such discussions only for advanced grades;


Daniel Madar
02-01-2002, 02:58 PM
This one is a bit more informed. (http://www.ohr.edu/ask/ask270.htm#Q2)

02-01-2002, 04:52 PM
i'll say the same thing i just told wushu chik: i love christianity, but i hate most christians.

this **** is just pathetic.

now the rabbi? well, his sense of humor needs work but the fact that he said, "well, it could be this, that or the other thing," while accepting his ignorance and refraining from judging earns him a big, fat, ****ing cookie.

Daniel Madar
02-01-2002, 05:46 PM
Depends on the christian. I am/was christian/catholic, but I and the people I talked to in THE CHURCH up to archbishop level were way more down with the Rabbi than the old fire and brimstone thing.

Ruach Elokim was the original wording for the holy spirit, btw.

02-01-2002, 06:37 PM
The Rabbi was pretty cool. The other moron has cranial inversion of the rectum.

02-01-2002, 07:03 PM
you can't judge all Christians by this guy any more than you can judge all martial artists by Ashida Kim, Frank Dux, or Rich Mooney. In fact I hate that these people even use the term Christian-it has led to it being a bad word in the modern lexicon. Hence comments like Buddhas. Most christians I have known were decent upstanding folks(true of most people in general) but some give them a bad name. Just as certain unnamed ones give Islam a bad name. Or certain extremist Israelis give Jews a bad name. or...

02-01-2002, 07:17 PM
"Before I answer your question, I would like to say that I find martial arts truly amazing. I mean, people with years of training in martial arts can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in history."

That rabbi is OKAY in my book :)

straight blast
02-01-2002, 07:24 PM
Some of the "Christians" I know don't believe in fire.

These people are not Christians, but they are mentioned in the Bible. Look under "Pharisees". If anyone doesn't have a bible, I'll be only too happy to give you a definition.

Please don't mistake these idiots for Christians. I mean Jesus must get even more riled up than Bruce Lee sometimes when he sees how his name has been abused...

02-01-2002, 08:44 PM
"Jesus Christ, protect me from your followers."

02-01-2002, 09:23 PM
****! Where's the "vomit" smilie? :mad: :(

02-02-2002, 01:27 AM
These type of people are small minded dolts that use religion to gain power over even smaller minded dolts.
Hmmmmmmmm sounds like the alqueda.
I have seen many injustices performed in the name of religion. Look at 9/11. Christianity is supposed to be about tolerance, forgiveness and mercy. Instead, these groups breed hate, fear and ignorance.
They are no better than the stupid cavepeople in afghanistan, following blindly behind someone who neither knows nor cares to know what truth is. If there is a devil he is working as a jehovas witness.

It's all about how much power one human can exert on another. I attended a methodist private school that went "born again" in one spring season. Out of nowhere, people whom you thought you knew suddenly got caught up in the movement and began almost terrorizing those that did get into their little niche. One by one they joined the power play. Like vampires, they licked their chops at the taste of what a little power was like. And just like that, if you did something that one of them didn't like the rest would swarm you to the point of suffocation. Come to think of it, that sounds like a typical KFO gangup.

Speaking of jehovas witness' ( I don't know what the rest of the country is like) In miami, those that tried to leave the church were stalked and warned that they and their families would be targets for revenge. And you wonder why the world is so F***** up.
Where is the love?

Cults of all kinds are for weak willed MORONS.

Repulsive Monkey
02-02-2002, 05:20 AM
I have seen these commentaries quite a few times now, one has to realise the most obvious thing about the authors of these text's. That being that they are not Christians themselves. It is quite plain to see from an elementary level that they do not comprehend the true word of God, they understand little about God's most important commandment i.e. "to love everyone unconditionally". From the kind of claims that the author of that text is making about the harm that can come from doing martail arts, I can see that the text he has written is far more lethal if people actually believe what he is saying. The text is so opposite from what the Bible teaches that according to what he says about what that is not governed by God can only come from one other source, I would have to say that the text was the work of Satan himself. Their understanding of spirituality sounds quite corrupt, and the New Cvenant Church of God absolutely wreeks of the stale dangerous aroma of Christain fundementalism. These people trully are more dangerous than the devil himself, and experience has shown me this first hand.

02-02-2002, 08:52 AM
I'll probably go to hell for stealing this quote! LOL
" Sometimes the good is the enemy of the best "

Black Jack
02-02-2002, 10:16 AM
I am not suprised, when grown adults follow a fictional life, its all fair play, sifu abel is right though, cults are cults, but the fact remains that they are all cults, one no better than the rest.

AKA the anti-Christian martial artist.

02-02-2002, 10:40 AM
Aaagh!! I knew martial arts were wicked!! Now I'll have to confess all my sins and give all my money and property to the church so I can be redeemed!

Meanwhile, I'll stop going to the doctor, because they are bound by the Hippocratic oath, which mentions the Greek god Apollo. I'll also refuse to take penicillin when I have an infection, because the first to use it were pagan tribes.

Then, I'll condemn the local voice & speech teachers, because they teach students how to regulate their breaths. While I'm at it, I'll condemn the swimming coaches too. In fact, I'll condemn any coach who tells his athletes to visualize their performance, as well as the proponents of "Positive thinking".


02-02-2002, 11:27 AM
The Devil made me do Qi Gong?

I never knew.


02-02-2002, 11:39 AM
Alot of my life has been to the study of religion (general) and unfortunately, atleast in Amercia, most people of the 'general' christian would say amen to anything a man in a suit says.

02-02-2002, 12:43 PM

"Poor Joe died in a horrific and brutal way. Attacked by merciless Astral Ninja's from Ashida Kim's "Astral Army of Merciless Commercial Destruction (TM)" he refused to defend himself.

When the first Ninja twatted him around the face with a 9" iron bar, he remarked "God will save me". He then turned his face, allowing the Ninja to cave in the other side of his face, emptying his brains onto the pavement."

F*ckin' fanatics, Christian or otherwise.

02-03-2002, 09:32 AM
I think this view is held by only about 1% of people who even CLAIM to be associated with "christianity" I know alot of churches that have karate programs taught by members. This is the same group of people who are so skewed on life that they think Barney is a new age dragon!

But, there are SOME martial arts that have been talked about here that are cults, but these are mainly just schools that do that to their students. I also read about a filipino art in a MA magazine where they talked about "channeling the spirits of the dead masters" through meditation who would teach them things and when they went through the kata (or whatever it was called for them) it wouldn't be them doing it, but the dead master.

Bottom line is: 1) You are going to find extremsits and fanatics in everything 2) You are going to find people who manipulate things so they can get power for themselves...this applies to not only religion of all kinds, but even crap like the PTA. You will find nut jobs in all groups

02-03-2002, 11:56 AM
That Rabbi was a f*cking moron. Using Dave Berry's quote

"Karate is a form of martial arts in which people who have had years and years of training can, using only their hands and feet, make some of the worst movies in the history of the world"
~Dave Berry~

He acted as if he created that quote (The Rabbi) when all he did was modify it. Dumbf*ck