View Full Version : What about the other updates from Sevenstar?

02-01-2002, 06:50 PM
I'm talking about updates on the kwoon construction.

I'm talking about updates on his silat training.

I'm talking about updates on the date of release of the photographs of him training with Waterdragon.


02-01-2002, 06:58 PM
Construction of the school is going great. We've been training in it for months now, but still have some work to do on minor rooms, kike the locker room and the kitchen.

I haven't talked to the silat guy in several months. I lost my cell phone and his number was in it :( hopefully I can find where I had it written down, and that it wasn't thrown away.

WaterDragon is a lazy slacker. The pics *supposedly* got lost in the mail, and the copies are in one of his photo albums. Maybe he'll get me some more. If not, I'll steal his next time I'm up there.

Water Dragon
02-01-2002, 07:05 PM
C'mon now, You saw the pics. You knew you could've got the 1 hour phote at Walgreens. You just saw how bad I whooped yo azz in the pics and got embarassed. Admit it.

That's OK, next time we'll have video :D

02-01-2002, 07:11 PM
I seem to remember a good one of me doing "rhino gazes at the moon" with your feet suspended in the air and your head toward the ground


Water Dragon
02-01-2002, 07:31 PM

Wait until you see the vid of me and Lil Joe doing Diagonal Cut on concrete. All you can see is our heads disappear. Then you hear

PLOP grooaan

02-01-2002, 07:47 PM
:D I've come to the conclusion that you, Joe and Li'l Joe are crazy mofos

02-01-2002, 09:08 PM

02-01-2002, 09:52 PM
My name is Stranger, and I too know the feeling of being dumped headfirst on the pavement during training.
I feel your pain. :(

Remember, acknowledging that you are crazy enough to regularly submit yourself to being thrown on the pavement is the first step in recovery.


Thanks for the updates 7*. Sorry to hear you lost contact with the silat teacher. I was interested in your opinions on the training and if there was any commonality in principle with your N. Shaolin training. I'm happy for you that the kwoon building project is coming along nicely. That is a spiritually profound experience to build the training hall wherein you will forge your body and spirit.

02-02-2002, 08:36 AM
From what I got to see of it, it has prinicples in common with many CMA, but wing chun in particular. It really was good stuff, and hopefully I can get back in touch with him.

Edit of above post: "I've come to the conclusion that you, Joe and Li'l Joe and Sranger are crazy mofos"

I'm all for hard throws in the grass, which is pretty darn hard too but concrete? I need to keep the four brain cells I have that are intact!

Water Dragon
02-02-2002, 07:52 PM
Originally posted by SevenStar
:D I've come to the conclusion that you, Joe and Li'l Joe are crazy mofos

LOL, we'll get to you. It just takes a little time :D