View Full Version : Did Leung Sheung add Pak Mei Princepals and Concepts and Techniques to his Wing Chun

02-02-2002, 03:59 AM
Did Leung Sheung add Pak Mei principals and concepts and footwork to his Wing Chun ? Since he was a sifu of Pak Mei or exposed to Pak Mei before he learned Wing Chun from Yip Man .

02-02-2002, 06:19 AM

I've had the pleasure to meet Ken Chung sifu, Jack Ling sifu, and a longtime student of Paul Lam sifu, and didn't see any obvious signs of Bak Mei in any of them. In fact, the Leung Sheung line thusfar seems (at least to my eyes) the closest of the Yip Man sub-systems to how WCK is practiced by other branches in China.



Roy D. Anthony
02-02-2002, 05:51 PM
I know for a fact that Leung Sheung did not mix the principles and concepts in his Wing Chun.