View Full Version : Well now i know.

02-03-2002, 05:51 AM
M'kay as some of you might have noticed last night from my posts i was drinking a teensy bit, and i was at this party. It was only suppose to be the guy holding it and his friends, and of course if he had said "yes" to someone bringing along a guest.

Well anyway it started out nice and everyone was dancing and having fun, then slowly you start seeing more and more people that werent suppose to be there, i was kinda concerned (i was ****drunk but i still have common sense when i'm drunk) and went to the guy holding the party saying he should start stopping people at the door because he didnt know anyone and he just said "ohh that's ok i'll just get to know them now" so i figured hey if he doesnt care i dont it's his house, after an houre the place was PACKfull and i had trouble finding a single face i could recognize, so me and one of my friends turned the lights on and said the neighbor had called the police and everyone had to go. This was actually a brilliant scheme within half an hou 95% of the guys had left.

Well anywho i was telling people to go and so, and one of my friends points at one guy and tells me his online handle (most of my friends are online playing games so naturally we know a lot of people only by their handle), so when he walked by again i said "yo outkast" (lets say his name was outkast), you gotta leave man this is over (i wasnt looking mad i was kinda jolly actually), and the guy gets mad right off the bat, saying he can be there if he wants to, and then starts asking me how i got his name, i was in a frisky mood and didnt tell him was kinda teasing and he gets real mad and starts talking about beating the **** out of me, so i tell him who told me his name, and he still acts up.

Ok this is where the goodstuff of the story is, i often get into confrontations like these and i usually de-escilate them and back down, but what that leaves me with is pretty much the same thing Ryu has talked about a couple of times, not knowing if your backing down because your the bigger man and you have no interest in fighting, or is it because i'm afraid to fight? Well anywho last night this guy gets all confrontational and i decided i wasnt going to back down and i wasnt going to be confrontational, and it was really weird i usually get an adrenalin rush if i'm in a situation like this, start to studder an weird stuff, but after i decided to just stand me grouna and "what will be will be" a weird calmness just came over me (maybe it was the alcohol i dontknow), but anywho he was threatning me and said lets go outside, so i just said sure if you want to lets go. THEN he said "You really dont wanna do that i got 20 friends outside that would beat you up", and i said he was a little wuss if he couldnt fight for himself and had to let his friends do it for him (he was my size btw i wasnt picking on some small guy). And it ended with him just leaving after making excuses and said "ohh i'm just telling you they are out there, of course i dont let them do my work".

Ok i just realized this story wasnt as exciting in retrospect as it was when i was there, but i feel pretty good about it, i remember thinking about what someone said that you shouldnt be confrontational but you shouldnt be weak either and let people **** all over you just because your not the guy to look for trouble.

Btw saw something else i that party, one of the big tough guys that wouldnt leave was sitting there and i was trying to talk him into leaving, then came this huge guy (friend of the owner) and said "get out now and dont BS me", the guy said "look dude chill i'm leaving soon" and the big guy just started p1mpslapping the dude sitting, and saying "DONT TALK BACK TO ME! GET OUT!" and slapped him like 10 times, the guy looked like a little biotch there :) I'm not sure i would have done anything either though the guy is ****ing huge and always fighting, you cant help but wonder if your hardest punch would even dent guys like that.

P.S. i know it's a long ass boring post but i'm at work on a SUNDAY there's NOTHING to do here :)

Yung Apprentice
02-03-2002, 06:34 AM
I b*tched slapped a dude once. My ex was cheating on me with this guy. ( at the time I didn't know ) Anyways, so he's at her house fixing something for my ex's mom, because he was the friend of my girl's mom. So while I'm talking to my girl, I hear this dude talkin mess about me in the background. " Why do want a 17 year old BOY?"( at the time I was 17 )He then takes the phone away from her and talks crap to me. So two weeks roll by and my ex comes down to my house to see me. She got a ride from her mom in a van. So this guy was riding shotgun, because he was going with the mom to go get the van fixed.

The van's sliding door can't open from the inside, so he has to jump out to open it. I see him, walk up and asked if he still has a problem. He said no. So I slapped him. I said how about now. He said no. So I back handed slapped him. I said how about now. He said no. I said o.k. Then slapped him three times in a row. He was bleeding, and looked like a b*tch.. I then said look, you just got punked by a 17 year old boy. ( he was 24 )

02-03-2002, 06:56 AM
lol there's smoething so utterly humiliating about being *****slapped multiple times, it's almost worth standing up for yourself and getting your asskicked if you dont have to look like a ***** getting p1mpslapped :)

02-03-2002, 07:02 AM
most people back down when you bring game to them. once they realise you aren't going down without a scrap at LEAST, suddenly people start being really nice.

02-03-2002, 08:03 AM
lol, Yung :D

When i feel like starting a fight with my brother i *****slap him.

02-03-2002, 08:15 AM
Yah i need one of those brother thingies, i hear they'r great for venting some steam on. Kinda like human punching bags.

02-03-2002, 03:31 PM
I have recently wanted to go and kick someones ass for no real reason. just to went out u know? But it's a no-no coz if I go around and fight un-provoced then my sifu will kick my ass. (and then throw me out for good)

Yung Apprentice
02-03-2002, 03:32 PM
I have to older sister that would have a rag on the same exact day. So we all know I was the punching bag!

02-03-2002, 07:02 PM
lol i have two older sisters as well ;) They are pretty cool though, it was pain when i ws 10 and they were 15 and 16.

They buy me booze and stuff like that.

Kristoffer: I kinda understand, i dont exactly feel like ebating people up or anything but i often feel like "****it i dont wanna get into a fight but this guy is being a real ass, clocking him would be a real pleasure".