View Full Version : OT: Does anyone play Ghost Recon?

02-03-2002, 01:59 PM
This game rocks.

We're always looking for people who actually want to go slow and stealthy, stick to squads, coordinate, and generally realize GR isn't Quake or Unreal.

02-03-2002, 08:01 PM
Quakers will stink at GR. slow and low usually gets the job done. I wish they used the same kind of interface as SWAT 3.

02-03-2002, 08:37 PM
This was another game where slow & low got you there better. I quite enjoyed the element of patience and stealth in the game. Is ghost recon much the same?

02-03-2002, 08:48 PM
I love stealth games, mg, falout tactics, ect... i love gjhost reacon, i go slow, but don't own game anymore :(

02-04-2002, 02:56 AM
OT: Does anyone
play Ghost Recon?

NO... that game is for *****s

02-04-2002, 02:57 AM

02-04-2002, 05:44 AM
I haven't played it yet is it as good as rogue spear

02-04-2002, 06:27 AM
Rogue Spear meets SWAT 3. The bad guys are smarter, go to ground when shot at and I swear they'll try to flank you.

02-04-2002, 07:46 AM
just started playing. being held up a little by an out-of-date video card. but so far, the game is great.

stuart b.

02-04-2002, 09:54 AM
Ghost Recon sounds interesting, but I have too many games to play right now, on top of work :( . (Is there such a thing as "too many games"? :) )

I've been curious about Rouge Spear. Is it different/better than the original Rainbow Six? I have R6 at home, but I get really frustrated at the time consuming planning phase and the sometimes moronic AI of my teammates (which makes me have to spend more time in the planning phase :mad: ). I tell 'em to "bang and clear" and the idiot stands in front of the doorway to throw the flashbang into the room (which of course gets him shot :mad: ). They also shoot everyone before I get in there. I get to walk around in a building filled with dead "tangos" (sp?)

My girlfriend bought me Swat 3 for Xmas when it first came out, and I loved it! The planning was much more "liquid": choose your area and method of entry (stealth or dynamic), and direct your team on the fly. When the unexpected suspects "hit the fan", you can change your tactics as needed . The team AI also feels much better. They cover each other well, and their room entry and clearing tactics are better than when I play R6.

Metal Gear Solid 2 is all kinds of fun! Revolver Ocelot really stepped up from the first MGS into the "cool villains" category.

02-04-2002, 09:55 AM
From what I've read about the game AI during development, yes they are trying to flank you :) .

02-04-2002, 10:01 AM

rogue spear is far better than the original rainbow six. the gameplay is mostly the same in that the missions are similar and the planning stage is essentially the same. so if you got fed up with it in the original, you may well do so in rogue spear as well. but the AI is exponentially better. that always irritated the hell out of me that you personally had to throw any grenades, because if you left it up to the computer, he'd screw it up, no question.

in rogue spear, the AI is far smarter. they don't stand in doorways to lob grenades, they rarely get hung up on furniture or corners, etc. sometimes, but not nearly as often. there are more weapons too, including sniper rifles. and the scenes are incredible. kosovo in the rain was standout.

ghost recon is a little different. there's no real planning phase. planning takes place on the fly. the AI is pretty good, though it's still easy to loose people. the scenes are far more open where rogue spear was more enclosed (enter the building and clear it). in ghost recon, the environments are wide open.

definitely worth checking out.

stuart b.

02-04-2002, 11:31 AM
I fell in love with GR during the first mission when on the way back to the LZ I came across the two guys on patrol. I just loved the way they were talking and casualy walking.

And you're right, Kosovo in the rain(distant thunder) was awesone. Another good level is the one that takes place in the jungles of Peru.

02-04-2002, 12:02 PM
Thanks for the info.

02-04-2002, 12:28 PM

no worries, my friend. we can't watch movies ALL the time, after all. :)


i was a big fan of the terrorist hunt on the kosovo level. and the clock tower is classic. we tried time and time again to recreate that scene from 'saving private ryan.' safe to say that their sniper was better than ours. much better. :)

i'm trying to remember the peru mission. can't picture it.


that reminds me. another great feature of rogue spear over the original... two actually. replays: you can replay the mission and watch it from different camera angles, from different people's perspectives, etc. very entertaining. terrorist hunt: once you've cleared any mission, you can go back and play a terrorist hunt on it. no mission objectives beyond 'get the bad guys.' you can plan it, you can run and gun, your call. incredibly entertaining.

ah, great. now i'm salivating. rogue spear... [gurgle]

stuart b.