View Full Version : The noncontroversial thread where everyone agrees (for variety)

Chang Style Novice
02-03-2002, 08:28 PM
Eat your vegetables, they're good for you.

Bathe every day, so you don't smell bad.

Look both ways when crossing the street.

Looking at well-formed butts is fun and stimulating.

02-03-2002, 08:32 PM
Looking at well formed butts is NOT fun! :mad:

heh heh HEH! (that should make this controversal)


02-03-2002, 08:34 PM
whos the dude in your avatar, chang style ?

02-03-2002, 08:36 PM
Looking at well formed butts and NOT being allowed to touch is torture!

So I prefer not too look. :p :p :p

02-03-2002, 08:36 PM
I disagree

02-03-2002, 08:37 PM
Chang Style is my new Guru!!!

Chang Style Novice
02-03-2002, 08:39 PM
And yet you concede that it is stimulating, do you not?

Prana - that's Carleton Ridenhour, aka Chuck D. of the hiphop group Public Enemy.

02-03-2002, 08:40 PM
Read an article the other day that said that a study showed that the increase in heart rate and blood pressure ensuing from watching a nice pair of tits was similar to exercise, and found that men who regularly spent a good amount of viewing time every day had a lower incidence of heart disease and stroke.

May translate to watching nice butts as well :D

BTW I tried to swing this one past my GF but she wouldn't buy it :(

02-03-2002, 08:41 PM

Poor Chang Style Novice,


Chang Style Novice
02-03-2002, 08:41 PM
Man, my last post took a long time to appear!

02-03-2002, 08:44 PM
wow i actually disagree, i dont eat veggies, veggies are for females and rabbits.

02-03-2002, 08:44 PM

I live in a country where ALL the High school Girls were Mini's.
And the ladies are VERY shapely.

Never mind that the consentual age is 13.

Had a severe neck strain for the first 3 month from the whiplash.
Imagine watching 3 month of nonstop Tennis from the side line. :D

King T
02-03-2002, 08:47 PM
What kinds of butts? Ryu, is there something I don't know about you here? Ummm... never mind, I don't want to know. Now I know why you are such a big feminist!!! hehe... And Chang, I sure hope you are talking women's butt. I think Ryu is upset, becuase you are not looking at his.

Chang Style Novice
02-03-2002, 08:48 PM
qeySuS -

Scurvy and beriberi are both very macho.

Chang Style Novice
02-03-2002, 08:52 PM
King T -

A well-formed butt is in the eye of the beholder.

02-03-2002, 08:56 PM
If that is the case, then the beholder is standing/sitting too close :D

Sam Wiley
02-03-2002, 08:58 PM
Originally posted by joedoe
Read an article the other day that said that a study showed that the increase in heart rate and blood pressure ensuing from watching a nice pair of tits was similar to exercise, and found that men who regularly spent a good amount of viewing time every day had a lower incidence of heart disease and stroke.

No wonder I'm so healthy. Just about all I do is look. I'm still nursing the bump on my head from the last "viewing." I didn't see the lamp post.;) I didn't find it humorous, but the girl sure seemed to think it was funny. Her boobs bounced up and down as she laughed, so maybe it was worth it.

02-03-2002, 08:58 PM

a big old LOL

King T
02-03-2002, 11:09 PM
Ryu, I hope you were not refering to men's butts or otherwise I can see why you are such a big feminist. Chang, so are you saying that, that includes guys butt as well?! Something you and Ruy have going here! :D :p

02-04-2002, 12:31 AM
No one looks at my butt. I'm jealous. :(

As far as the school girl mini skirt thing....
Well maybe in Tokyo, buddy, but not all of Japan. ;) There's girls that wear the ankle-length ones like they're supposed to.

I'm not sure where you're getting the consentual age of 13 thing... much of Japan's laws on that kind of thing are similar to the states. But it's been a while since I've been there. :D


02-04-2002, 12:38 AM
As far as the school girl mini skirt thing....
Well maybe in Tokyo, buddy, but not all of Japan. ;) There's girls that wear the ankle-length ones like they're supposed to.

Actually depends on School and Season.

Some of the Christian Schools (Spoil sports) go for the full length ones or knee length ones. But we are talking Tokyo summers here 37 Degrees and 90+ humidity.

I'm not sure where you're getting the consentual age of 13 thing... much of Japan's laws on that kind of thing are similar to the states. But it's been a while since I've been there. :D

Age of Consent (http://www.ageofconsent.com/ageofconsent.htm)

02-04-2002, 12:50 AM
Oman and Pakistan have no age of consent.

Eww, I think.


02-04-2002, 12:58 AM
That also says USA is 16.

I don't know man, if an adult in Japan sleeps with a 13 year old girl I think it is also considered rape by most there. There's been cases of it. I'm not sure I want to go by that internet article, but I'll check around. :) Could be wrong, but I'm almost certain Japan has similar age of consent things to us especially with things like soapland and pornography, etc.
If not, to me, that's pretty sad.


02-04-2002, 01:02 AM
What's this I hear about being able to buy used girl's panties in vending machines in Japan???


02-04-2002, 01:04 AM
Yeah here you go. :)
This is actually interesting, thanks for the link.

Law for Punishing Acts Related to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, and for Protecting Children.
This is a temporary translated version of the New Law adopted by the Japanese Diet, in April 1999 related to
Child Prostitution, Child Pornography and Sexual Abuse of Children committed by Japanese nationals abroad.

Article 1 - Objective
The objective of this Law is to protect the rights of children by prescribing punishment for acts
related to child prostitution and child pornography, and by establishing measures including the
giving of appropriate protection to children who have suffered physically and/or mentally from the
said acts, in light of the fact that sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children seriously infringe

I. Ages for legal purposes
Article 2 - Definitions
For the purpose of this Law, a "child" means a person under the age of 18 years.

Age of majority
The Article 3 of the Japanese Civil Code states that the age of majority is twenty (20) years old.

Age of consent for sexual activity
The Article 177 of the Penal Code puts the age of consent for sexual actitvity at thirteen (13) years.

Age of consent for marriage
Articles 731 and 737 of the Civil Code provides that the age of consent for marriage is eighteen (18)
years for men, and sixteen (16) for women.

But when a minor wants to get married, he or she needs the consent of his or her parents.

II. Rape
‘Rape’, Art. 177 Penal Code

" A person who, through violence or intimidation, has sexual intercourse with a female person of
not less than thirteen (13) years of age commits the crime of rape and shall be punished with
imprisonment at forced labour for a limited term of not less than two years. The same shall apply
to a person who has sexual intercourse with a female person under thirteen (13) years of age. "

‘Death or injury resulting from rape’, Art. 181 Penal Code
" A person who commits a crime provided in Articles 176 to 179 and thereby kills or injures
another shall be punished with imprisonment at forced labour for life or for not less than three
years. "

III. Other forms of child sex abuse
‘Indecency through compulsion’, Art. 176 Penal Code
" A person who, through violence or intimidation, commits an indecent act upon a male or female
person of not less than thirteen (13) years of age shall be punished with imprisonment at forced
labour for not less than six months nor more than seven years. The same shall apply to a person
who commits an indecent act upon a male or female person under thirteen (13) years of age. "
Common articles to rape and indecency

‘Constructive compulsory indecency and rape’, Art. 178 Penal Code
" A person who commits an indecent act upon or has sexual intercourse with another by taking
advantage of loss of consciousness or inability to resist, or by causing a loss of consciousness or
inability to resist, shall be punished in the same way as provided for in the preceding two
Articles. "
‘Attempts’, Art. 179 Penal Code
" Attempts of the crimes provided in the preceding three Articles shall be punished. "
‘Complaint’, Art. 180 Penal Code
" (1) The crimes provided in the preceding four Articles shall be prosecuted only on complaint.
(2)The provisions of the preceding paragraph shall not apply when the crimes mentioned in the
preceding four Articles are committed jointly by two or more persons who are on the scene of the
action. "

Article 34 of the Child Welfare Law
" Any person shall not do any of the following acts : …(6) act of inducing a minor to be engaged in
sexual activities … "
Inducing a minor who is less than eighteen (18) to be engaged in sexual activities is subject to
punishment under the Child Welfare Law. According to Japanese Court cases, " inducing a minor to
be engaged in sexual activities means an act of working on a minor to have intercourse or analogous
conducts ( including oral and anal sex) with him or her, or with someone else by exering influence on
the minor virually.

It looks like statiotory rape is 13 (though for some reason I could have sworn it was older)

The other stuff was what I was talking about (18-20)


02-04-2002, 01:06 AM
You can find that here too if you know where to look.

It's true though.

Let's not turn this into a thread about the low points of Japan...the country has some good things too you know.


02-04-2002, 01:10 AM
Hi Ryu.

That Article is correct.

I think you are refering to the new Law that was passed last years that forbids
"Compensated Dating"," Dating Clubs" and similar practices under the age of 20.

All sex under the age of 20 has to be purely sex :D with no compensation for favours provided.
Many Girls got their Gucci Handbags that way. :(

Prior to that it was forbidden to PAY under 20's for sex, but giving presents was allowed.

It was a loophole that was fixed and it also prevents "Child Pornography" from People under the age of 20 to be published or owned. Brought the law in line with overseas Child porno Laws.

Too many Teen Idols were kinda misused to make bucks.

The same Law now also punishes Japanese that go overseas to have sex with minors.
They fixed their act pretty well, but the 13yr old thingy is true.

Since than plenty of people got caught paying teens for Sex and convicted.
But like so many things in Japan, plenty of issues are not talked about openly.

And, yep, I see plenty of young teens visiting the "Love Hotels" around where I live.

02-04-2002, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by IronFist
What's this I hear about being able to buy used girl's panties in vending machines in Japan???



You used to be able to, same as Porn mags. Japanese put nearly everything into Vending machines.

Now you have to walk into a shop, choose a lady from a Catalog, buy the undies for her and pick them up 3 Days later.

Sick practice.
But Ryu is right, lets close the topic b4 we get the flood of immigrants.

02-04-2002, 01:15 AM
Ok I'm being totally serious when I ask this. What's a love hotel? I learned the Japanese word for it a long time ago in a book "raabu hoteru" or something, but I always figured it was just a ***** house. Is it? Or is it a place you can go with a chick to shack up? Or do you meet a chick there and pay her to do you? How does it work?

And what the hell would you do with used panties from a chick? Smell them all day? I guess that's what the guys do in anime... then their noses start bleeding... hehe.


02-04-2002, 01:18 AM
Thanks, Red_Fists,
Yeah the new law was more of what I was referring to that dealt with the child protection stuff, etc. (a great law in my opinion)

Anyway, cool little discussion anyway. I do think it's a good idea to close it too. ;)

Well I'm turning in for the night.
Oyasumi, guys.


02-04-2002, 01:21 AM
Iron, they're places couples can go to, etc. You can also have girls do things for you, etc. I don't really want to talk about it since I don't like it. ;) There's better things to see in Japan.
The Japanese are also divided in some ways about the "morality" of the hotels. However little is really done about it. The people who don't like it stay away from them.

Now let's talk about happier things! :)


02-04-2002, 01:23 AM
Hi Iron.

Raabu-Hotel is the Japanese pronoucniaton ofr Love Hotel.

Japan as you know has very limited space available, often 3 generations living together.
So privacy is a bit of an issue,

Love Hotels are Hotels that are rented either on an 2 hourly basis, or for overnight stays after 23:00.
They have a Jacuzzi, Fridge, often Karaoke, naughty TV,etc.

And, yes, they are where you and your chick go to shack up.
Also often frequented by Parents of bigger Kids.
Yep, you need to bring your own Partner, none supplied.

Actually a very good idea as you get privacy, "protection" is supplied by the Hotel,etc.

Also it is done in a way that you never see any staff, and only the front desk see you.
Entrance and Exit usually are on opposite side of he Building.
Personally, I like the Idea and think more Countries should use them.

02-04-2002, 01:25 AM
Hi Ryu.

Had your Veggies today??

02-04-2002, 01:29 AM

If you want any Info on Japan either pm or E-mail me.

02-04-2002, 01:34 AM
No veggies today. Completely exhausted. ;)

None supplied?? Are we talking about the same kinds of places?
There are "lovers hotels" where couples go, but there are also some places that girls will be doing some things for you too, costume play, etc.

:( You know sometimes I think I am mostly at fault for my pet peeves considering I focus too much on what is not the "norm" you know?

I need some sleep.


02-04-2002, 01:35 AM
m/m= 17?? wtf

and in jamiaca gay sex is illegal?? odd no.

02-04-2002, 02:53 AM
Originally posted by Ryu
None supplied?? Are we talking about the same kinds of places?
There are "lovers hotels" where couples go, but there are also some places that girls will be doing some things for you too, costume play, etc.

Love Hotels are what I described.

The places you are talking about are either:
A.) Soaplands
B.) "Daddy" Establishments/Bars/Clubs.
C.) Massage Parlors.
And those are the not so freaked out sides of japanese Nigthlife. :D
Those are normally found in the "Kabuki Cho's" or "Pink Districts", whereas Love Hotels are usually in either Business or Residential areas.

Love Hotels are 100% legal, as to the others can you say "Yakuza".And watch out for the black Mercs with tinted Windows.


02-04-2002, 03:15 AM
sounds kinky-.-.-

Yakuza eh? that's not my idea of love cuddle

02-04-2002, 03:27 AM
And the real twist is that Prostituion is illegal in Japan.

02-04-2002, 03:36 AM
One thing I wanted to mention about Japanese Love Hotels.

The one reason why I like them, because it allows Teens to have their first sexual encounter in a proper setting.

Better than the backseat of a Car or behind a Bush, or backroom of a Club..

Plus, if they can afford to pay for a room, it shows some standard and commitment.

Just my 2 Yen worth, not much these days. :(

Felipe Bido
02-04-2002, 07:46 AM
A question:

Is there any western behavior that the japanese consider "indecent" or "immoral", while for us is completely normal?. For example, I read somewhere that the japanese find our costume of looking someone straight in the eye somewhat disturbing. Is that true?

02-04-2002, 09:19 AM
Well the Yakuza is in everything in Japan right? Pride FC has Yakuza connections (i beleave Enson Inoue informed the UG about this).

Btw i noticed that they didnt say "Person" in that whole prostitution thingie, they always said female, so p1mping 13-18 y.o. males is ok? Sounds weird that you'd specify the gender.

02-04-2002, 10:45 AM
I've been to Kabuki-chyo. I can't remember if I saw a yakuza guy there. I was hanging around there because I was looking for the TouKaien resturaunt. It was interesting walking around in that street though. Some guy tried to persuade my friend and I to go into one of the massage parlors. I did see a true Yakuza guy in Osaka. That dude came out of a big, American car; and he wore this spikey leather jacket, sunglasses, and walked funny.

About mini skirts in Japan, go up to Sendai in winter and you'll STILL see miniskirts even when it is snowing. It's pretty crazy those ko-gyarus. As for women in Japan, they're not really that shapely unless you're into short women with no breasts and stubby legs.

I don't know about age of consent, but there were a lot of suger daddies for the high school girls. It was sad to see 30 or 40 something year old business men going out with those high school kids for sex in exchange for prada bags, and other expensive stuff.

The best part of Japan are the video arcades anyway. Especially those V-Catchers. I think I caught like 20 different stuffed animals before I left. Not to mention my beatmania fix I got over there. Other good stuff about Japan are the Yodobashi camera stores. Cool electronics and stuff. So guys, go there for the electronic stuff-- not for sex. Heck, even the pr0n in Japan sucks. It is always Censored and the girls look and sound like they aren't enjoying it anyway. Which is sad anyway, Japan produces the largest amount of pr0n in the world and I haven't seen one decent one. Not that I've seen that many of course.

02-04-2002, 10:52 AM
Felipe, if you don't look Japanese, then you probably don' t have to worry. You're just some dumb foreigner anyway and they'll let you off the hook if you make a mistake.

As for offensive stuff, I can't really remember. Don't cut in line when waiting for the bus, subway, train, etc., (even though those **** old people do it anyway). And don't brag.

02-04-2002, 10:59 AM
as for the vending machine stuff. I have never personally seen them. So I thought it could be a rumor. Then again, I haven't been out that late in Japan and be in the right section of the town where they're located.

King T
02-04-2002, 01:04 PM
If an adult sleeps with a 13 year old is considered rape, than what would a 13 year old boy that sleeps with his mother considered? Sounds disgusting but is true. Not to be disgusting, but there was an article awhile back that talked about it. It had do do with something of his mother's obsession with her son's education that she agreed to do it with him when he asked her.Ewwwwwwwwwww...... Can some one here shine some light on this who also have read the article?

Red fist, hotels are cool and all, but personally, I think the best part of sex is when you don't anticipate where you are going to do it at. The cool locations would be like places of peace, privacy, and Romance. I just don't feel that you can have a "shop" for sex. Then where would the Love, romance or privacy be then. Besides some of the best places are those that were not "thought" of as great locations and where nobody knows your doing it.

02-04-2002, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Felipe Bido
A question:

Is there any western behavior that the japanese consider "indecent" or "immoral", while for us is completely normal?. For example, I read somewhere that the japanese find our costume of looking someone straight in the eye somewhat disturbing. Is that true?

Hi Felipe.

Yes, there are a lot, but at the same time Japan is also slowly adjusting to western ideas and concepts.

Yes, looking someone straight in the Eye is considered a challenge and unpolite.

A few yrs back, holding Hands between different sexes was considered "indecent". Now you can see teens smooching at Stations.
So, yes, we westerners can easily step wrong.
But so can Japanese in the West.
Take a Ramne shop/Noodle shop you ARE supposed to slurp the noodles noisily to show appreciation.

If you want more specific Info, let's best take it off-list.

Chang Style Novice
02-04-2002, 03:52 PM
That's some hardcore (in every sense of the word) thread drift right there!

Jogging is a good way to lose weight.

Turpentine smells bad.

Spectacles is another name for eyeglasses.

KC Elbows
02-04-2002, 03:57 PM
Don't forget about everyone's favorite sparring gear/eyewear, perfect for those with their heads up their arses: the rectacle

02-04-2002, 03:57 PM
In Australia, the consentual age for m/f is 16, not 14. However, it can still be considered statuatory rape if the female is 16 and the male is a lot older (let's say 25 or something).

For m/m I think it is 18 but I wouldn't know :)

02-04-2002, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by King T

Red fist, hotels are cool and all, but personally, I think the best part of sex is when you don't anticipate where you are going to do it at. The cool locations would be like places of peace, privacy, and Romance. I just don't feel that you can have a "shop" for sex. Then where would the Love, romance or privacy be then. Besides some of the best places are those that were not "thought" of as great locations and where nobody knows your doing it.

Kinda agree there, but there are few palces in Japan where that can happen. And anybody discovered doing so in inappropriate places will be arrested.
Th loss of "Face" for doing so would destroy a Japanese for ever.

As for the Mother worrying about the Sons education, it used to be/still is common in some Countries that a friend of the Family either did the Introduction or took the Person to a place where the Introduction would happen.
Some Asian Countries even got schools to teach the youngsters.

Yep, different strokes for different folks.
I find the one around Neck height usually works best. (Price to anybody that can name the Book where that one comes from).

02-05-2002, 02:50 AM
Don't close this thread, it's truly interesting!

"It was sad to see 30 or 40 something year old business men going out with those high school kids for sex in exchange for prada bags, and other expensive stuff. "

This kind of thing makes me truly sad... what's wrong with these girls?? (I know what's wrong with the men...)
I mean... have they no sense of their own value ?

I've heard lots about stuff like this about Japan lately... there was some story about a school where like 98% of the girls were being pimped by the teacher... makes me wanna hurt someone.

02-05-2002, 07:50 AM
Once again Chang Style blesses us with more good trueisms!

02-05-2002, 08:25 AM
See, the reason I don't like these kinds' of conversations is because there's a danger of people who don't know much about a culture or country to walk away with very wrong stereotypes about those people. :(
You have to be careful throwing around percentages like 98% in one school, etc. You may hear it through the grapevine, but it isn't necessarily always true.

These things do happen in Japan (but they also happen here as well) I know and hang out with a lot of Japanese people, both men and women. Some of them are as dumb as toilet paper (it pains me to say that) but others are some of the most dedicated, intelligent and moral people I know. There's so much variety in human beings that you can't box them all in one "culture" etc.
Because someone from Tokyo won't necessarily think the same way as someone from Kansai or Okinawa, etc.

Some of the girls indeed have no real self-value (or at least a false one in my opinion) Japan, you have to remember, is a place where opinion can be sometimes squashed by the masses. I have seen the absolute best and absolute worst of Japan (which is why I jumped to the conclusion Red_fists was talking about the more seedier "hotels" in his last post)
Japan has its moral problems just like this country, and other countries around the world. They're working on things, moving forward, etc. There's a lot about the country that makes me feel like "hurting someone" too LOL, but I guess I'm sensitive about stereotypes and hear too many people talk about short skirt Kogal girls and massage parlors rather than child counselors who help those in trouble, religious parents who work to better their country, or any of the other men and women from Japan who are making much better contributions to the world.

yeah that stuff exists. But Japan is a huge place with many diverse personalities. Some "school girls" are very nice, very intelligent, and don't like the stuff others do. Some are chaste, don't drink, and work on scolarships in school. Others are the complete opposite.

I may be a little over sensitive, but I think its because some of my best friends are Japanese, and the ones I've gotten close to are absolutely not the "short skirt kogal" stereotype. They're intelligent, rational, decent, etc. So I'd hope people would talk more about them instead of the other percentage you know?
That way someone who doesn't know anything about Japan might come away saying "well I guess you can't really put them in a box"
instead of "wow all the schoolgirls where short skirts and got to love hotesls!" ;)
Because honestly, it's not the case.
Sure some do. Others don't.
Some are stupid, some are smart.
Some have no values, others are very moral.
Some hide their opinions, others tell their opinions.
They're all different even though parts of their culture may seem to run one way.

Well I'm done I guess.
Let's talk about something else if it's possible.


02-05-2002, 08:54 AM
Not so non-controversial anymore, eh Chang Style?

Turpentine doesn't neccessarily (sp?) smell bad to everyone. Some would say it smells "strong" or "weird", but not bad. ;)

02-05-2002, 09:25 AM
Well, of course, I didn't mean all of Japan are like that. I've seen the other ends of the extreme as well. It's just that the seedier side is more interesting. :)

In Japan, you don't have to worry about walking alone late at night in most places. That's one thing I miss. Well, you might have to worry if you're lost. And you don't really need a car to go anywhere in most cities like Nagoya, Tokyo, Osaka, etc., because of buses, trains, subways, bikes, your legs, etc., If you wanna lose weight, go to Japan. Most every westerners that I knew that went there lost about 10-20 pounds. :) Then again, Koreans gained weight for some reason.

King T
02-06-2002, 09:19 PM
I agree Ryu, but you also have to know that there is nothing wrong with talking about the bad things in another culture either. People talk about bad things about the US here all the time. Nothing wrong with that. That is why it is called a discussion. Society through history as you and I know, from our Chinese history class together, develope and change for the better when discussions, opionions, ideas and points are clearly represented. A certain percentage that is small that do exist, can not be dismissed either in light of the much larger good that do exist. While I do agree that the US has its share of problems, but that does not refrain us from being able to diagnose another country's ills niether, and to bring it up as part of a factual study of the country. Remember Ryu, a study of a country is not just the study of its people and culture, but its' ills and problems as well. To do so without, would then be the true misunderstanding and ultimately lead to misfactual information. Proper communicated information along with comparative facts would give people a more accurate presentation of that culture and at the same time prevent people from thinking what you call "oh 'all' people are like that" attitude. If you are going to be a teacher by god I hope you sure represent to your students both side of the equation, otherwise you will be no different than those **** japanese education ministers and gov't officials,who refused to this day to admit to the atrocities in China during wwii and the deletion of certain historical contents in the Japanese student history books concerning the crimes against humanity perpatrated in China by the Japanese between 1933-1945.

02-06-2002, 11:41 PM
Nothing wrong with talking about the ills of a culture. It's very important. I just saw the thread going into more of a "hehehe" kind of discussion and not really a true discussion of that country's problems. Could just have been me though, been a bit sensitive this last month. :)

By the way, have you ever given more thought to making that memorial for the Chinese during WW2?
We discussed it a long time ago.


King T
02-07-2002, 03:15 PM
I have Ryu, but I am not sure where to start. Sorry if I came on to you to strong there. I hope you feel better-you are always in those moods? It just seemed that it was getting into a one sided discussion. :( I am thinking about doing the research this Summer and would like you to perdonally help me with it- if you want. I have been trying earlier this year to get ahold of Dr. Tanner, but have had no luck. Iknow that if I do start I will have to do alot of researh, and most of the historical facts are written in Mandarin Chinese! I don't speak Mandarin, that is the biggest problem! If you want, this Summer you and I could begin doing some research and begin a fund raising for the monument. I am sure that would be alot of fun too! In fact if you know of anyone else who wants to help, they can join in the project; the more the merryer!!!:D