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02-04-2002, 06:20 AM
Someone said that WC forms only look good to an engineer. That explains why I think they are beutiful... :D

02-04-2002, 06:48 AM
LOL. I think that explains it for many of us. :D

02-04-2002, 08:15 AM
A different view: Engineers?Argh!Most (not all) are un-imaginative.
Some often ask--- should the elbow be "x" inches away from the body? Ugh! <gggg>. But after doing wc a while its inner beauty emerges--the feel of it... always smooth and balanced- its not done for the pleasure of the observer like modern wushu.
((Now for those engineers who are also intellectually inclined and have fresh enquiring minds(very few)- that's a different matter. I better get out before I get hand calculators thrown at me))

old jong
02-04-2002, 08:29 AM
....They work!:D

02-04-2002, 08:50 AM
My sliderule is aimed your way now ... ;)

02-04-2002, 09:17 AM
I'd done Karate kata, Bagua sets, Xingyi sets, a Chanquan set, even a Hung Ga set before WCK (had never actually seen WCK up until that point either), and the first time I met my sifu, he demo'd the Siu Lien Tao, and the snake-like movements of his Sup Jee Sao ("+" Shape Hand) charmed me right away. Loved the set and couldn't wait to learn it.

Maybe we WCK folks just see the beauty in simplicity.



02-04-2002, 09:45 AM
Wing Chun kung fu is beautiful in its efficiency, the few forms being elegant and minimalist.

I like your observation that "WC forms only look good to an engineer", I'd never thought of it quite like that before and I think that is very insiteful.

As an architect I have always been fascinated by the work of the Modernists, who created architecture under the doctrine 'Form Follows Function'. They viewed non essential ethstetics as decorative junk that destroyed the purity and integrity of architecture and its fundamental purpose.

So in a sense, WC forms can be interpreted as Modernism in Martial Arts.

02-04-2002, 01:18 PM
Hey I resemble that remark!

In all seriousness, I enjoy the forms for their conceptual richness and the simplicity of the application. I've seen fist sets from many different systems and some of them look beautiful while others are very energetic and inspiring. Am I just lazy or efficient? :)

I've met some people that are even more analytical and exacting than some engineers. Bottom line is that there are many different ways to learn, but eventually, one needs to avoid paralysis by analysis and Just Do It (tm) !


Roy D. Anthony
02-05-2002, 01:26 PM
I'm Offended Rene.....you mean you didn't like my Biu Gee Form I did just prior to your Sifu's that day?
(i'm Joking,about being offended.):)

(August Moon Festival 1990 or 91)