View Full Version : How bout some good striking drills.

Brad Souders
02-04-2002, 09:16 AM
Just wondering what striking drills you guys use to train? Also what trapping drills you use also?

02-04-2002, 11:58 AM
i remember a real simple one that almost made me passout a couple times. after doing a ton of other sh!t we had to do sets of 30 seconds on the heavy bag hitting for speed followed by 30 seconds for power. he just kept cycling them over and over again until you were sure you were going to have to walk out and quit class right then and there.

Water Dragon
02-04-2002, 06:40 PM
Here's a beginning level drill that almost everyone practices.

1. The first person (A) throws a wide, looping hook with there right hand.
2. The second person (B) sticks his left hand up in front of his face (palm in) to block the punch
3. B brings his right hand underneath his left hand so he is now lightly pressing A's arm with his own right arm.
4. B begins to circle his right arm down and in towards A's body.
5. At the last moment, B uses his left palm to press against A's right arm at the elbow and press the arm into A's body.
6. B now punches A as in step 1. and the drill continues.

It's really a lot easier to show than explain :D

Anyway, this is not a punch/block drill. The drill teaches the basics of sticking and pressing. It's the feeling of what's going on that you want to pay attention to. The punch is only there to keep the drill smooth.

Eventually, you start turning up the heat on the strikes and the drill turns itself into a free style situation. It's simple, a lot of fun, and teaches some good stuff if you know why you're doing it.

02-04-2002, 08:12 PM
WD. Thats one of my fav. drills. We also do it in a loop push hands style.

Thats a tai chi drill right? Sifu has us work up to full speed, its amazing how doing these drills effects sparring.

02-04-2002, 08:37 PM
GDO, it sounds good.

I remember a drill with two other fighters throwing everything at you in TKD. It is not quite like what you are talking about but since TKD is a lot of legwork, it gets tiring quick. After that, he would have us do kicking drills on the heavy bag.

After sparring two people, striking the heavy bag in combinations was torturous... aint martial arts great? :D

Then we would do push ups and horse stance striking for a half an hour. I loved those days! :