View Full Version : Did anyone see Phil Ng's article in the new Kung Fu Mag?

02-04-2002, 06:10 PM

Very well done. Grapplers like to think that they can just take you to the floor easily. Thats not the case, and the whole strategy of Kung Fu is to keep you on your feet. I think you demonstrated some great simple techniques that you can use against the "BJJ mafia. "

One question for you though.... and this is a minor criticism in an otherwise flawless article.

There are a few shots where you appear to be punching the back of your opponents head? Am I right about this? Wouldn't it be better to use a palm strike as you'd do less damage to your hand? Just a thought.

Anyways, thanks for writing that. It's nice to see some practical, traditional and non-mystical stuff in that magazine for once.

02-04-2002, 09:50 PM
Hello Fu-Pow,

Thank you for the kind words regarding my article. My main objective in writing it was not so much to criticize other methods of fighting, but mainly to encourage readers to utilize several simple principles to maintain their own preferred fighting strategy.

Though the context of these principles were drawn mainly from my experiences with Ving Tsun, I'm certain the basic guideline of "fighting the person, and not the style" can be relevant to those who study other combat methods.

I certainly agree with you about the fist being a poor choice for a weapon against the back of someone's skull (ouch!). However, I actually intended the illustration to show a strike to the side of the head rather than the back. Sorry for the confusion, next time I'll definitely review my photographs more closely before sending them in to be published.

Thanks again for your kind words, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed my writing.

Ng Family Chinese Martial Arts Association (http://www.ngfamilymartialarts.com)

02-04-2002, 10:48 PM
Is this the mar/apr issue with Lam Chun Fai on the cover, if so how come its out a month early? Do u guys in the US get it sooner? Does any1 from OZ know if its out here yet? The cover looks good.:cool: