View Full Version : From where does everyone get their avatars?

02-04-2002, 07:36 PM
I want one :(


02-04-2002, 07:38 PM
You can have one.

02-04-2002, 08:07 PM
Its very easy to get one actually. First find a avatar picture that you like. You can type "AVATAR" into a search engine (that along with any key word if you want a specific type a avatar picture). This will bring up some avatar websites that you can take one from. Next, move the mouse cursor over the picture and Right Click on it and select Properties. Write down the web address for the avatar picture and make sure its Dimensions are small enough(I think we can only have avatars of about 50 x 50, maybe 60 x 60) Then make sure you're logged into the forum. Go to Edit Options and then scroll down to the very bottom and click the button to change avatars. Enter the URL address for your avatar and then submit it. Some online message boards have unique avatars of their own. Simply go to the message board's Register screen and scroll down to see if they have a selectable list of avatars. Get the URL of the avatar you want and use it on here(I got mine from a Final Fantasy web board, which I'm not a member of) I know that the Cyberkwoon discussion board has their own selectable avatars(Not a member of that one either)

Anyway, hope this helps. :)

African Tiger
02-04-2002, 08:12 PM
Nah, just download your own photo. The how-to's are on the user control panel.

Just make sure your afro is under control before shooting the photo :cool:

Qi dup
02-04-2002, 08:19 PM
I just found a picture of the rocky movie poster and shrunk it down. you can do it in your own draw program. just put your mouse at the lower right corner after you have made it small. it will probably show some numbers in the lower right corner of your draw program. if it's 50x50 or small, it will fit. you have to make them pretty small though. So just psition your mouse at the far lower right of the picture and it gives you how big it is at the bottom of the program. it doesn't really make sence but just try it and you'll see what i'm talking about

02-05-2002, 01:05 AM
theft, i have found, works wonders.

02-05-2002, 01:12 AM
Mine was cropped from a larger Image.

02-05-2002, 05:41 AM
I used a Chinese word Processor (NJ Star), Power Point to convert the text to jpeg and Photoshop to edit the jpeg to size and add a background.

Perhaps a little over involved but it seems to have worked.

02-05-2002, 11:49 AM
I got the animated gif from www.madblast.com.

Then I imported it into GIMP. "Graphic Image Manipulation Package" on Linux (coz thats what i use. No windoze here!).
Reduced the size to a max of 50*50 pixels then uploded it.

Job done!


02-06-2002, 06:45 PM
i took a pic of the bulletin board of the Bronx house of detention after some friends tagged graf all over it....had it scanned in and i just cropped the 'BRONX' out, shrunk it...and .....

<there it is! :p