View Full Version : Interview about Leung Sheung

urban tea
02-04-2002, 07:50 PM

I may have a chance to interview a student who learned from Leung Sheung. Does anyone have any good questions to ask?

-urban tea.

02-04-2002, 08:35 PM

Just want know if Leung Ting was a student of Leung Sheung?


urban tea
02-05-2002, 04:16 AM

That was already confirmed in my first class. He showed me pictures and a website with the family tree at www.wingchun.com. He said Leung Ting was a student of LS and then got kicked out ...
?? =T

Any other questions? Good questions?
-urban tea

THE best tea on earth. haha

black and blue
02-05-2002, 04:33 AM
Why was LT kicked out?

Any ideas?

02-05-2002, 06:38 AM

While there may be a valid reason for asking some questions the tone can often lead to problems. Please remember that there are members of various lineages posting on this board. Some may find it offensive to read that their Sifu/Sigung was "Kicked out" of anything. If you have a genuine interest in finding out what did or did not happen then I would ask one of two things;
1) Discuss the subject off-list in order to avoid ruffling anyones feathers ;)
2) Re-phrase the questions so as to not be offensive.
For example: I heard that Sifu A studied with Sifu B but left that lineage, does anyone know why?

However, to be honest, such topics rarely result in a productive dialogue but degenerate into something a bit more messy. My feeling has always been that unless discussing Sifu A and B will do something to improve my Wing Chun there is little benefit from doing so. Now, there are exceptions but in general subjects like who studied where and why they left are better left alone. Usually when someone leaves a lineage or family there are reasons on both sides. In many cases such reasons are personal and have little to do with level of skill.

Just some thoughts.

Some questions I would ask would be more realted to stance, turning and rooting and power generation from within that line. Particularily considering the 100/0 approach.



02-05-2002, 08:12 AM
Here are some good questions to ask:

What did Leung Sheung feel like when doing Chi Sao?

What were classes like with Leung Sheung?

What principles of Wing Chun did Leung Sheung stress?

Were there any sayings that he often said?

Why do you think Leung Sheung kept a low profile and therefore is not known quite as well as some of Yip Man's other student's?

What made Leung Sheung so good?

Did Bruce Lee ever train with Leung Sheung? If so, what did Bruce say about Leung Sheung?

What are some personal stories that the person you're interviewing tell about Leung Sheung's life?

What made Leung Sheung a good student of Wing Chun kung fu?

Were there any stories about Leung Sheung training under Yip Man? or what did Leung Sheung say about how Yip Man felt like when he trained with him?

Why did Leung Sheung give up training in the other martial arts he had already excelled in to only train in Wing Chun?

What was Leung Sheung's personality like?

Who "really got it" from Yip Man and Leung Sheung?

Did Yip Man or Leung Sheung ever speak of internal training/energy? Why or why not?

My lineage is from Leung Sheung. If you aren't from the Leung Sheung lineage this should bring you a lot of information.

I would be interested in learning more about those in my lineage and would like you to email any/all responses to me. It would be most appreciated.

Please email the responses or any questions you might have for me at: wingchunner@yahoo.com



02-05-2002, 12:13 PM
This is a carry over from another thread, but Fire Hawk asked 'Did Leung Sheung incorporate Pak Mei into his Wing Chun?'

(Just trying to catch as many questions as I see, for your brainstorm list.) Marty made a great list, and I believe you have my [growing] list already.

The interview is a fantastic idea. If at some point you want help reviewing drafts, I would be more than glad to help with something like that.

Wishing you luck - great project. :)
- Kathy Jo

02-05-2002, 08:17 PM
'Did Leung Sheung incorporate Pak Mei into his Wing Chun?'

If he was a smart man I do not see why not.

02-06-2002, 05:16 PM
please keep us updated on your progress. i'm quite curious about all of this, and i have a jackson that says other people like kj and sihing73 are more interested than i am.