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02-05-2002, 12:44 AM

just hoping for some advice, I'm looking to study martial arts but am finding it very hard to find enough info out about certain styles, at the moment i'm thinking about Praying mantis, but every1 keeps tellin me how difficult it is, if any1 has advice on styles etc for a beginer i would appreciate the advice.

Thanks :)

02-05-2002, 12:56 AM
nothing wrong with starting out in a difficult style.

picture this: you have two years to practice before you really want to get serious. would it be better to dabble in simpler styles then hit mantis full on, or would it be best simply to buckle down and hit mantis right from the beginning?

basically, where do you want to be -- two years or random styles under your belt but no mantis, or two years of mantis and many more to go. you pick.

oh, and no, i don't study mantis. i just won't deter you from doing so. find out for yourself if you like it.

Mr. Nemo
02-05-2002, 01:02 AM
As most everyone on the show will tell you, the school is more important than the style. If you can tell us what schools are in your area, we can go off that.

straight blast
02-05-2002, 01:42 AM
You can get pretty good at Wing Chun pretty quick :D

02-05-2002, 02:30 AM
Originally posted by Mr. Nemo
As most everyone on the show will tell you, the school is more important than the style. If you can tell us what schools are in your area, we can go off that.

Well i live near birmingham (burton / Derby) in the uk, I have no idea of the schools, I know its not much help.

Ray Pina
02-05-2002, 07:19 AM
Don't worry about hard. You have to start somewhere, and nothing worth while comes easy. I'm sure there is Wing Chun in your area -- its pretty popular in the UK.

Go check out schools and see what you're looking for. You may want to check out Taiji or Ba Gua if you can find a good school near you. You won't have to hold a horse stance for 30 minutes and blow out your knees. In the begining it will seem like you are learning something useless, get the movements down smooth (slow = smooth smooth=fast fast=power) and then you're teacher will hopefully be able to show their usefulness.

Its really up to you. Don't expect it to be easy, but it really shouldn't be hard, ie, dipping your hands in glass to fight in a dirt ring. The hardest part in the beginning is just making it to class, week after week after week. If its a good school, you'll feel glad that you did every time.

You can miss every now and then when the surf gets good. I do. Need to keep a balance.

02-05-2002, 07:27 AM
The martial arts are difficult. That's part of the whole point. Good luck and enjoy :)