View Full Version : Choi Kwan Do

Frank Exchange
02-05-2002, 07:26 AM
Just seen a full page article/thinly disguised advert in a London daily newspaper, the Metro, espousing the delights of this martial art.

What caught my eye was the repeated insistence that no contact is ever made with anyone else, they use heavy bags, but never spar, so no one gets hurt.

Can this be right, or has the reporter got it wrong? Anyone out there do or used to do this?

02-05-2002, 07:59 AM
I saw that too, they went on about soft overcoming hard but their description of soft was nothing like what i see as a true soft technique/method. Weren't the founder's joints were crippled with arthritis or something from taekwondo?

Frank Exchange
02-05-2002, 09:37 AM
Yep, very confusing.

I just find it faintly ridiculous to teach a self defence/martial art without any concept of getting hit, sparring, or even the mildest pressure testing.

Hell, it was only a year ago a work colleague proudly informed me that his daughters Karate black belt now meant that she could reliably hold her own against three opponents in a street fight. Any more than three, he confided, would give her problems, but three or less would be just fine and dandy.

I smacked my gob, and walked off.


Point being, that they didnt do much sparring either.

02-05-2002, 09:44 AM

Read it and weep.

Mark S

02-05-2002, 11:34 AM
They recommend that you use the inside of the forearm to block.
Need I say more.........

Hey Frank-ex.
Isn't the headquarters for this rubbish in Herts? somewhere like WGC, or hatfield area.


02-07-2002, 04:29 AM
It actually seems to be quite a big organisation. THere must be something in it!!

02-07-2002, 04:51 AM
They should stick an age limit on claiming yourself a grandmaster.
Seriously that implys that your students are masters and there students are insturctors.
This is just plain rediculous, i mix up the stuff ive learnt over the years as well but i hardly think that makes me a grandmaster of my own system. By that rational we all are...
This is just some guy who did Tae Kwon Do in Korea and has now moved country, changed the name and appointed himself grandmaster of the system.
It bears no respect to where his skill comes from, no respect to his teachers and its a fraud on his students.

Then again who am i to judge, I used to love jump kicking coloured pads and back then that school would have just looked awesome.

Yeah, that was a good vent i think ill rest now:rolleyes: