View Full Version : MA Associations

02-05-2002, 09:31 AM
I was just checking out a Martila Artists web site and it listed a string of associations he belonged to or was affiliated with. The list looked quite impressive by the number of associations and the name. That is until I realized that I had never heard of any of them and knew nothing about them.

So I was wondering, what associations do you belong to? Why did you join? What do you get for your membership? Do you recommend joining to other people (outside your school or style)? What would you like to see an association due? Are there too many associations?

02-05-2002, 09:47 AM
I belong to the traditional wushu association. I joined mainly for research purposes. Adam Hsu(the founder and president) has a strong tie to the Taiwan Kungfu Community so it made sense that he would be able to help me research my system there and possibly I might get a chance to go there for further studies. The second reason I joined in because a group membership is only $75 for life and you get a cool plaque to hang. Lastly in my area most of the people that come to me have trained Karate and in the publics eye it gives your school more credibility to belong to a larger organization. It's funny to me though cause all you have to do to become a member of most kungfu associations is pay a membership fee. The only large association I can think of that you can't just walk into is the Chin woo(unless you lie).

I like TWA, although I don't nessacarlly agree with everything Mr. Hsu says, his association is run very well and there is no splitting or infighting going on. This group is very into kungfu usage, that's one of my big things to.

02-05-2002, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by Shaolindynasty
It's funny to me though cause all you have to do to become a member of most kungfu associations is pay a membership fee. The only large association I can think of that you can't just walk into is the Chin woo(unless you lie).

That has been my experience also, but please tell me about Chin woo. I am not familiar with them.

02-05-2002, 09:59 AM
the iwta, because i'm a grandson-student of ggm leung ting and am part of his family.

02-05-2002, 10:05 AM
To be a member of Chin Woo you have to know and teach their 10 core forms. I was once emailed a advertisement by someone claiming to be the "cloud forest chin woo" saying I could sign up for a fee and they even bragged about having karate schools and such as members.

I'll admit I was interested at first but somthing didn't feel right so I chcked it out with the USA chin woo federation and they filled me in on the requirments to be a member of chinwoo and I decided not to send 'cloud forest" my money. Some people tried to argue with me that the USA Chin woo is the Malaysian branch and cloud forest is from Taiwan BUT All chin woo is supposed to be the same and On some Chin Woo sites they have lists of recongised members. They all have the USA Chin Woo listed but no body has ever heard of the "cloud Forest chin woo".

I Guess the moral of the story is check out an association before you join cause any yahoo can make one up. The site you mentioned before.....well it wouldn't surprise me if they made up the majority of those associations or they belong to them anyway.

TWA isn't as famous as USAWKF or USKF but I liked the majority of what they express and do. I feel like they have the same mindset as me. So if you want to join an association I would recommend basing your choice on if their ideals are similar to yours. I'd also stay clear of groups with allot of "spitting' going on cause it'll probally cause problems.

02-05-2002, 10:35 AM
International Federation of Praying Mantis martial arts Organization and the
Confederation of Canadian Kung Fu and martial arts Organizations

Sifu asked me to join ..so i did.


02-05-2002, 11:46 AM
United States of America Wushu Kung Fu Federation.

02-05-2002, 12:31 PM
ICMTKF, inc.

international conglomerate of mockers of temple kung fu.

kungfuguy! -- wanna join?

02-05-2002, 01:17 PM
Im down with that, all the way, how much does it cost to join?

Hopefully not as much as the Kung-Fu ...sorry Kempo lessons :D


02-05-2002, 01:30 PM
Don't make fun of temple kungfu guys! you could get into trouble with the

KPTBKA............Kempo pretending to be Kungfu association

02-05-2002, 01:32 PM
costed kungfuguy! around four grand. didn't cost me a thing, because the first time i saw an add of their's on cable, i started rolling -- and i'm NOT talking chi sau.

skarbro -- you're in, brother. your sole responsibility -- mock temple kung fu.

02-05-2002, 01:35 PM
Rubthebuddha- Your in washington, I thought theose re tards were restricted to canada's borders?

02-05-2002, 01:51 PM
i'd be happy if i could just attribute it to living only 15 miles from the canadian border and me just watching too much canadian tv, but alas, i cannot:

(425) 453-6020
Seattle, Lynnwood, Everett
(425) 778-5227
South Seattle, Kent
(253) 941-8822
(509) 467-8695

direct from their webpage. apparently INS was smoking crack a while back and temple slipped through.

02-06-2002, 08:51 AM
skarbro -- you're in, brother. your sole responsibility -- mock temple kung fu.

From now on i will be know as Grandmaster Skard1 the Dali Sing Song White Eyelash Fist of TEMPLE KUNG -FU mockers

Kungfuguy where are you??


02-06-2002, 09:30 AM
you patronize a guy then he doesn't show. what's up with that racket?

hm. from now until a suitable replacement is found, i will be acting president of the ICMTKF. you may now refer to me as his holiness, the grandest dali buddharubber ding ding white sideburns.

that, or rub for short.

now kungfuguy!, where the funk are you?

02-06-2002, 12:12 PM
Rub- Im going to use that in my sig!!!

Kungfuguy really ....where are you?????
