View Full Version : Attn Ryu

Ray Pina
02-05-2002, 03:50 PM
Hey, what's up? I was redaing Martial Musings my R.W. Smith and was thinking of you, he devotes quite alarge portion to Judo. He talks about a few big names that even I've heard about and that guy in Holland or someplace -- I saw him on DCS channel, as a guy who trains bouncers. He seemed quite serious.

If you haven't you might want to check it out. Its a bit pricey, but I'm enjoying it.

ps Though I don't know your methods (so I didn't sign in before) you seem like a stand up man who takes his training seriously -- I respect that.


02-05-2002, 04:45 PM
Though I try to play myself down a little just for humility's sake.
There's better grapplers than me on this board, (people like MerryPrankster, Knifefighter, I'm sure)
But I do train hard. :)

Europe has some great judoka. They train hard, and have won their fair share of olympics and competitions. Anton Geesnik is a prime example.

I don't have the book, but I'll take a look at it.
A judoka that trains bouncers? Was it the same guy featured on that TLC program about martial arts?


Ray Pina
02-05-2002, 04:55 PM
Yea, that's him. Wait, I'm working late and have the book right here: Jon Bluming.

The other guy was Draeger. These guys seemed pretty intense.