View Full Version : Bud Din Bat Batt Ma

01-02-2001, 09:52 AM
New Here,

I would like to say hello to all southern gung fu players. Just thought I might start with this topic. The spelling is probably wrong but you guys know what it means. Just wondering if all you guys use this stance a bunch or what. I don't want this to turn into any "who is better than who" if possible.

This stance has a great meaning to me. What about you guys? Anything and everything you guys think about this stance!

"So how's your ging!"


01-02-2001, 10:09 AM
the best stance of all

My Invincible Style Shall educate you

fiercest tiger
01-02-2001, 01:42 PM
good fighting stance, that covers centerline low line attacks... :)



01-02-2001, 02:03 PM
Copycat, someone used not T no V before isn't it
Hehehe *****cat

My Invincible Style Shall educate you

01-02-2001, 02:05 PM
Try No
! No / hehehe (as feet never touch)

My Invincible Style Shall educate you

01-02-2001, 03:10 PM
Noutarin kungfumoron ga nanimo shiranai.damanakereba kokoro o tsukami da****e.™ :eek:

01-02-2001, 03:26 PM
Try korean -
eemee sheemee pek poe jee dah! hehehe

Idiota hijo de buta hahaha

My Invincible Style Shall educate you

01-02-2001, 07:15 PM
Guess this turned into....well this!

Hello Fierce Tiger. Thankx for the reply,

Now I must ask KFLegend about his knowledge. hehe No t no v, no 8 blah blah. This is what it is kflegend, why you already disrepectful to fierce tiger about the stance?

Also, what is the correct way to set this stance? Start in horse, then what? Or start in climbing hill horse, then what? Then What? HEHE! Is your hip pushed forward, backward, what? What about your upper body?

Last but not least KFLegend, "How's your Ging?"


01-02-2001, 08:28 PM
To elaborate on "Ging's" fine questions, how 'bout you share the lineage of your Invincible style with all of us, do some educating. That's what you're here for after all, isn't it?

01-02-2001, 10:49 PM
THis stance is the primary stance used in Bak Mei (white eyebrow), it closely resembles a western boxing type stance.

fiercest tiger
01-02-2001, 10:51 PM
man you seem to follow me on every thread so whats up?

do you want to be my student or something, because i will teach you a good lesson if you like. but im here to try and make friend not enimies, i dont know about you. why not give everyone a shock and be nice and give some of your indeapth knowledge.... :rolleyes:

man people are getting sick of you on all threads, and dont respect you. dont you feel like a goose when you read everyones post that they think your a joke. get with the program, if you dont like a thread or topic give your opinion and tell why you think its crap. dont tell people that they are full of sh!t, etc.

just my 2 cents worth... :(



01-03-2001, 12:09 AM
Iyomanin pabo demone..
Diu gaa ming goi :D ≈

01-03-2001, 12:17 AM
45 degrees is the key, not baack nor front sunk, round but not collapsed straight but not rigid.

Its racial man you know the white ball hits the black ball and then the snooker game is over. It shows the white mans weakness over us fellow brothers..hehehe

I am here for BS like all ya!

Do not fear what you know only fear what you don't!!!

My Invincible Style Shall educate you

01-03-2001, 12:25 AM
Yeah, this is pretty much the non-answer that I was expecting. Thanks for the clarification, now I can go back to ignoring you. I know all of you fountains of wisdom think that you have a lot of knowledge to impart, but, in truth, you are a tired act. Trolls. Passe to the point of being cliche. yawn...

01-03-2001, 12:27 AM
go and practice disformed bak mei (ie. white tiger) from videos pilgram!!!

My Invincible Style Shall educate you

01-03-2001, 04:38 AM
bud ding bud bat ma describes a horse that is not a horse, not facing to the front or the side, hips not evenly open or closed etc... It tells of a neutral high horse by way of in that what you would expect a horse to be is precisely what it is not...

01-03-2001, 05:34 AM
What a frekin' jerk off arguing about something he has no idea about.
Peng Ma - Level stance (just past shoulder, feet parallel)
Sei Peng Ma - Horse Stance (like normal horse stance)
Deng Ji Ma - T character step (rear leg perpendicular to front though a slight bend in front should occur)
Bat Deng Bat Bat Ma - Rear leg 45 degrees from the perpendicular line of T step Hip now can face forward or side at will and sink down right. as well as have enough footwork are and mobility to allow launching attacks into other stances or continual shifting. Though upright the possibilities of manouverability are endless.

Idiots just because explanations are unlike your own you think your the only one knowing such simple **** concepts seriously lame excuse are all white tigers this dumb.

PS : Moq, do not play with fire you will be burned (where is wicked hehehe)- as if it is my real age, all is fake isn't it. o-a, q=x

[This message was edited by KungFuLegend on 01-03-01 at 09:40 PM.]

01-03-2001, 05:56 AM
Well, I must admit I had my doubts. Most 18 year olds do seem possessed of more maturity and insight, so, you're right, you're probably not 18 afterall. Maybe in a few more years junior...

Before you start tossing around words like "idiot", maybe it would be best to arm yourself with a better understanding of simple english, the difference between "your" and "you're" comes to mind here. You seem to be spreading yourself too thin on the language front. Rather than trying to discourse in several different tongues, try mastering one first. In this way, languages are a lot like fighting styles, at least that's my opinion.

Of course, one need not be a poet to be a figher, but since this is a public forum, and you fight with words, it would help to sharpen your sword a bit.

Obviously you have no interest in shedding any light on your own training, lineage, etc...and since you've already exposed yourself as what you are, a troll with a fake ID, there is really nothing more that needs be said. You actually make me miss "word", he was an idiot as well, but at least he trained in something.

fiercest tiger
01-03-2001, 07:23 AM



01-03-2001, 07:58 AM
I practice Bak Fu kuen tiger under kei yun fong, student of Du teng man in africa. I used to practice bahk tok toi kuen under sum bod yi but he left with sum wan sun so have to change.

Not like anyone cares about spelling or grammar it is not edited, it means nothing. Who actually cares about that gees.

Venerable Taoist Fierce Tiger good to c u smile. This is the true daoist way....finally after so long watching your crappy anger some calmness

All is burning wickedness,
you go to hell, you to hell and then u die (sth pk)

Where is sissy boy matQ

My Invincible Style Shall educate you

01-03-2001, 08:50 AM
Maybe this is Kung Fu Legend afterall! The REAL Kung Fu Legend... hahaha the White Eyebrow monk himself!

Everyone thinks they are the ones being the sly clown... I wonder how long before bakmae2 gets his dumba$$ canned again?

It is SO TRUE I always feel like such an idiot for paying any attention to these ****heads. I gotta block out this stupid Forum...

[This message was edited by MoQ on 01-04-01 at 01:03 AM.]

01-03-2001, 09:08 AM
Hey Mr Max Gerber didn't get the jokes did you?
and rizzo kids still not happy.

sum bod yi - Somebody
Sum Wan Sun - Someone soon

You people must really learn to lighten up this is the test of reality, who the true masters are.

You see one nibble at BFP guys and they fall backwards. Biu Ji goes japanese, pilgrim starts flipping, MoQ who usually is master of his domain flops, others say hehe. But it seems the end is near yet again for the bak mae no 2 (mind you not the same as the first...oh no this guy is way too legendary).

Anyway how much more BS can the BFP dish out. Well as long as they are not as demented as the Lacy moron who writes history out of his a$$ and cannot do crap. But joining them doesn't seem the way so respect form the real community is at a loss. In USA the BFP will cease to exist because it never existed at all it was all modified bak mei and a million other inventions


My Invincible Style Shall educate you

01-03-2001, 09:57 AM
Kyle you really DO amaze me. Why all the naming names is your new YKM family in on this???

01-03-2001, 10:22 AM
Oh gees ... I fooled you again. Hahahaha I love it you're suckered into it everytime.......
YKM Sux anyway not interested, it is like BFP basically Bak mei with other crap thrown in hahah CLC has a lot of influence in the Sth World.

my name is toby, toby, no no kuntikinte.

My Invincible Style Shall educate you

01-03-2001, 10:51 AM
this isn't THE kyle. we have his assurance that he won't be adding to the forum bickering.

kungfulegend (bakmae_, mr lardball, whatever...) has said some pretty appalling things to my sifu - not exactly the behaviour of a respectful student huh? and do you really think he would sign off as himself after all that BS.

i think this guy has just been going through all the old posts trying to dig up anything he can to get a reaction.

im sure the moderators can solve all of this anyway. http://flowerkitty.tripod.com/smile/sparkle.gif

blessed be,

01-03-2001, 12:18 PM
Bastet...it is dangerous to interfere. Your sifu .....or your lover.....seems you adore the man more than i have seen people adore sifu's.

Anyway seems you don't train so I pre-warn you know don't let me expose you as well it is not worth the effort let things be.

I am testing everyone...not you keep away....you don't even practice by the sounds of your posts as you only become involved when your tiger is in trouble but your other posts are non-martial arts posts like catholicism and the rest (thus why like a protective wife or mother more than a student)

It is scary how history in a forum can teach so much about people.

Keep smiling

Andrew Jamieson

My Invincible Style Shall educate you

01-03-2001, 07:24 PM
in your quest for self-importance. This is an awfully silly place to act like this though, isn't it??? I mean, to be so blatantly the exact opposite of what you pretend?

Why do all the newbies crave attention SO MUCH that they have to act like a$ and make complete fools of themselves before they immediately turn around and start running popularity contests and arranging bakesales??? It is sad to watch this wheel...

01-03-2001, 08:22 PM
Now this is funny! WHY in the world would anyone ever want to pretend to be Kyle?
I have gotten emails from Kyles other ego before, always good for a smile. Keep up the Happy New Year Fun Kyle.

01-03-2001, 08:32 PM
No, this isn't the behavior of a respectful student, but it is the behavior of the aptly named Mr. Pitts. Haven't you been following along? Kyle didn't exactly jump ship, he was thrown overboard once "FuMei" was unmasked. He has already told your Sifu several lies in his emails. If Kyle himself is to be believed (use your imagination here), BFP is all fake garbage, but he nearly begged GM Doo to take him back as a student...of course, this is if you assume that Kyle was ever a student of GM Doo's in the first place, and not just another Lacy stooge with a collection of bootleg vids. The emails that he has sent your Sifu are every bit as sappy and sugar coated as the ones he sent Sifu Gerber, "respectfully, your student and friend, Kyle Dean Pitts..." You see, others have received the exact same emails and have been given the exact same assurances and they meant nothing. In a few years, Panther Productions will offer a line of video tapes featuring "Teet Fu - Iron Tiger" and Grandmaster Kyle Pitts. It will be an amalgamation of whatever he got from Lacy, Sifu Gerber, your Sifu, and whatever else he picks up along the way. It seems that Lacy's students DID learn lessons from the man, only, they didn't learn any Kung Fu...and let's all be thankful for that.

01-03-2001, 08:35 PM
I remember diggin' through the archives once and I found a couple of posts from good ol' "word" in which he claimed to study northern mantis, or a flavor thereof. Who knows??? :)

01-03-2001, 09:00 PM
On 10-30 Kyle wrote the following about Bak Fu Pai:

"Fung Do Duk was Pak Mei's elder and he hightened his art to something more devastating than Pak Mei, nis art flowed even more with the waters and the winds, the nature of this art is on the brink of scary!"

This was posted under his "FuMei" persona, but, come on, we all know it's Kyle from the myriad of grammatical miscues. So, in two months, BFP (in Kyle's deranged little mind) has gone from something on the brink of scary, to "disformed" Bak Mei...Hmmm...I wonder if his change in attitude could have had something to do with him being cut off...do you think? Actually Kyle, I must say, it's nice to know that you're still bothered by this. It does give me a sense of satisfaction to know how upset you are.

01-04-2001, 01:39 AM
Well I believe that it is all the insecurities that have allowed someone to crumble the whole situation and those most weak are those most insecure :
Like Max & Gary, two individuals proclaiming to have it all that their teacher's passed on so much information etc........
But inevitably they both have not completed their training oh no not at all for they have not understood the true essence of a teacher.
Therefore, though I am unfamiliar with the BFP or the YKM for that matter I only thought that it would be nice to test what the truth was and in honesty it worked.
You see, it is impossible that I am the same as Kyle nor BakMae because my manner is different and my knowledge varied as well in fact it does not matter anymore. IN reality it is just an exposing excercise.
Moderators have acting inconsiderably for I have actually used proper judgement and intent, though seemingly a little harsh at times, it is not like Max with 5 or more characters has not caused disruptions in the past. Not to mention the hot temper af fierless cat. Biu Ji I am surprised as I thought you were different.

Mantis108 and Kull I respect for they never become involved in such silly issues. Because Bak Mei is the martial art all the rest is the jolly could make believe.

Anyway respects to all I have no intention of doing anything else...but thank you for allowing me to break your weaknesses though you may not understand I have achieved my aim.

01-04-2001, 01:49 AM
"You see, it is impossible that I am the same as Kyle nor BakMae because my manner is different and my knowledge varied as well in fact it does not matter anymore."
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

01-04-2001, 02:16 AM
It's quite amusing actually that Kyle and Co pose under the pretense of edification, and most often engage in weak attempts at derision at that which "they" don't understand, and all the while the only aim "they" achieve is further humiliation of themselves.

Whatever you think of Max and Gary, they teach and know something...you know nothing. First a lil' eagle claw, then it's off to the Wah Lum temple for a semester, then it's Lacy video tapes, then it's Shifu Gerber, now it's YKM, what's next????

FT said something earlier about "jack of all trades master of none", I think it's more than applicable here. Good luck with that Teet Fu Kyle, sounds most interesting.

01-04-2001, 02:19 AM
"But inevitably they both have not completed their training oh no not at all for they have not understood the true essence of a teacher"

OK, so, you mean, you asked Sifu Hearfield if he would sell you everything up front just like you asked Sifu Gerber? Good to know that Hearfield declined your invitation as well. Good luck finding a real teacher who will give you everything "by spring" Kyle ;)

01-04-2001, 02:23 AM
Seriously I am not Kyle. Stubborn aren't you. Stop assuming I have not interest in these things and Kyle actually has promised YKM not to disturb the forum. don't you even know these. You are becoming the epedimy of silly.

01-04-2001, 02:29 AM
Ok, i'll play the little game. Earlier you accused me of practicing "disformed Bak Mei from videos" - what makes you think that's what I do? You're not Kyle, OK, fine, but who am I that you should know Simon?

"But inevitably they both have not completed their training oh no not at all for they have not understood the true essence of a teacher"

OK, you're not Kyle, then explain the above statement. Sure, it sounds nice when you cracked it out of the fortune cookie, now explain what you mean. What's your experience with these guys? By the way, the word is epitome.

01-04-2001, 04:53 AM
I have seen both arts and they are modified Bak Mei and then some [Fullstop].

01-04-2001, 04:54 AM
Teachers do not become angered or defensive at idiots on the net - fact.
Thus the test
Luv Ya

01-04-2001, 04:59 AM
"I have seen both arts and they are modified Bak Mei and then some"

Oh, OK then, well that certainly settles the matter. Where and when did you see BFP? Name names. Who was doing the performance? What did you see, a form, don't suppose you'd happen to remember the name? I think I know where this is going "Simon", but you're more than welcome to surprise me.

What do you consider Bak Mei then? Modified Lung Ying? :rolleyes:

01-04-2001, 05:05 AM
"Teachers do not become angered or defensive at idiots on the net - fact.
Thus the test"

A truly moronic statement if ever there was one. Let me get this straight, you can post utter nonsense like this, but I'm the one who's the epitome of silly???

Fact - "Teachers" come in all shapes, sizes, and dispositions and, just because not all teachers conform to your silly little notion of what a teacher is supposed to be like does not in the least invalidate them. What, you think there is some cookie cutter factory in China that just churns them out, one right after the other cut from the same mold? Now I believe you when you said you were only 18. I remember when my Kung Fu world was erected on such naive fantasies....

01-04-2001, 05:05 AM
I saw a few vids of Doo Wai (u know bak mei salutation with a tiger claw).
And I saw Wong Chun Han performing in FuChou, where the movements differed significantly.

01-04-2001, 05:09 AM
What you saw on the vids wasn't BFP...you should have just asked if you had any questions, it would have made you look far less foolish. Next time be more careful, Simon.

01-04-2001, 05:15 AM
Don't suppose you'd like to tell the folks on the forum how you came by these vids do you? You didn't purchase them by chance? Why would a KungFuLegend want or need to purchase vids of anything? Not satisfied, even as a legend???

01-04-2001, 05:47 AM
Where and when did you see YKM?

"I have seen both arts and they are modified Bak Mei and then some"
Why, this is the exact discription of YKM that we give!! How insightful of you Simon.

blessed be,

01-04-2001, 05:58 AM
Nice post Bastet.
I should've looked at this from the perspective you've adopted. "Modified Bak Mei and then some", why, it does sound like a compliment, doesn't it? Guess I should've just said thanks to Simon.

Lam Yiu Kwai & CLC trained together, as such, their respective arts look a lot alike...so what?
Using your pseudo logic, I suppose this invalidates one of these great systems...but which? BFP does have some similarities with Bak Mei, as does Lung Ying, as does YKM, etc...fact of the matter is that this doesn't invalidate BFP anymore than it does any of the others.