View Full Version : Attention WushChick

02-06-2002, 05:17 PM
I've had enough of your biatching. I never did anything to me and you have always been badmouthing me. Whats the matter? No sun in Oregon? Getting a little ****y? Maybe you should hang out with really drunk guys and get laid by somebody, anybody. Your way too uptight as it is.

The rest of you just hate me because I make you think.

Btw...What style do you practice? I fear that it is affecting your liver and giving you anger problems.

PS. Go fu.ck yourself with a fork.

02-06-2002, 05:24 PM
Now I'm really TURNED on.

02-06-2002, 05:37 PM

I dont hate you, nor do I know of your true intentions. I do just kinda assume that what you ask is legitimate, and answer them.

Actually, I answered your Question in the Chi thread if you havent already seen it :)

02-06-2002, 05:45 PM
"Maybe you should hang out with really drunk guys and get laid by somebody, anybody."

And you wonder why people don't like you?
As for me, I don't like you because you've been a jack@ss thoughout all your nicknames here. Nuttnhunny, santa claus, and now perhaps your stupidest idea yet, "stacey". You can't be too bright if you impersonate a female and wonder why you're not loved.
Wushuchick ownz you :D

02-06-2002, 06:39 PM
Prana, your the best, I'm not talking about you.

Kungfuguy, your post made me smile. She does own me. And so I am her loving cum dumpster. She is in many ways like a spiritual madaam to me. A she-pimp if you will....

Anyway, I do like to confuse people. Like calling out wushuchick for "being mean" and then saying, "Go fu.ck yourself with a fork"

wushu chik
02-06-2002, 06:44 PM
More and more every day you get STUPIDER! That's why NOBODY likes you! You are a dumb B!TCH and nobody cares. Go away because I don't feel the need to deal with your immaturity!!! You are weak, feebel minded and just stupid. And why don't YOU go FU(K yourself with a fork, and let all of us know how good it felt.....IDIOT!


02-06-2002, 06:52 PM
Maybe I am stupid, but look at who is so easilly manipulated by illusion. You are so plugged into the matrix of this forum, that you are getting angry, your body is phisiologically changing based on what a stranger is typing to you thousands of miles away.

I am feeble minded. I know this, but I am not so foolish as to take this place or anything said on it seriously.:o

wushu chik
02-06-2002, 06:55 PM
I don't take anything seriously, or get angry. But I do get tired of hearing all the trash talking, stupidity from people like you. It get's annoying, and quite frankly, every time I read one of YOUR threads...I FEEL A LITTLE STUPIDER than I did a minute before!!

02-06-2002, 07:16 PM
Stacey, if you're not getting angry at what people are saying on the forum, why make a post telling wushu how you feel? A discussion like this should be completely meaningless to you, yet you're the one who started it!

02-06-2002, 07:31 PM