View Full Version : defense for rear choke hold

Former castleva
02-10-2002, 05:37 AM
I guess this could belong to street fighting forum but for it is quite "calm",Iīll let it out here (hey! we have had threads like "help this guy get laid")
What would be the best defense against rear choke hold (choking wind pipe with forearm/elbow area,with other arm pinned)
I think itīs quite a difficult one,you could try to back kick his knee,but itīs quite hard to do effectively,if you would not have your arm pinned,you could try to place your foot behind his to unbalace him.You could try some kind of seioinage (shoulder throw) but you would probably just break your neck (and hope that the opponent is not very big,which is unlikely)
You could try biting his arm/hand but itīs not effective if he proper clothing.Headbutt would be a tough choise too.
Stomping on toes would be good for pain distraction if he would have light shoes,but if he does not...
So what do you think?
(If you got any pictures/video clips/animation would not do bad)

02-10-2002, 08:41 AM
In no way am I and expert on choking, but I have met men who were.
I can tell you if a man knows how to choke and can apply it, your either in deep trouble, or dead.
The goal should be to be able to react naturally as soon as possible. (Hopefully you can stop the technique before is applied.)

I know and use a few different techniques, (all the de pending how quickly the opponent can apply the choke , and how soon I can see it start.)

Technique one. (Called combing your hair .) The opponent is behind me ,and I see an arm coming. the response is like combing your hair, (raise your hand, palm touching your cheek/face and sweep your hand along your head.[as if you were combing your hair from front to back.) this arm motion will stop any arm from going around your neck. As you do this sweeping motion. You must turn and face the opponent.

Technique two. (I call it dropping your weight.) when an arm actually gets around your neck. With both hands hold the arm to your body(at the same time, turn your head to the side to keep your airway open.), whatever side of the body the arm comes from. You drop that knee down to the floor, as you drop your body to the ground throwing your shoulder down as if you were doing a shoulder role. (With your body's weight falling to the ground , paired with the rolling downward of your shoulders, should throw the opponent to the ground in front of you. (If not he will greatly be off balance, so he will either let go of the choke, or go to the ground with you.) no matter. You have stop the choke now if you to figure out how to stop your assailant. ;)

These are just a few ideas. Good luck in your training!
sincerly your . C.A.G.

02-10-2002, 08:48 AM
There's a thread on this with some detailed explainations on it below. I can't remeber the title, but trust me, it's there. It was only up a couple days ago, so try page two.

02-10-2002, 09:04 AM
ah. It IS on page 2. It's called "sleeper hold/naked choke challenge." Enjoy.

Mr. Nemo
02-10-2002, 02:22 PM
Once he's got the hold on, I've been taught to point my chin towards the crook of his arm, and "sit" on the leg opposite of the arm he's choking me with. Then, use one hand to pull on his arm and decrease the pressure, while the other pushes one of his leg hooks off of your hips. Keep that leg high to keep him from swinging over you into the mounted position, and turn around so you're in his guard.

02-10-2002, 04:14 PM
If what I'm thinking is correct, you are asking about a choke , but combined with a rear hammerlock (chickenwing) which makes it in my book, "finalized". I teach defenses from holds and chokes, but I also teach my students to finalize it when applying it in combat-just in case the other guy was a former student!-only kidding, but you have to always take for granted that the opponent is skilled, so he might know how to get out as well. This being said, we teach a back strangle hold, then teach the student how to armlock the guy, kick out his knee and finish him off. Or a full nelson might be finalized by standing on the side and 'riding' him straight foward head first into the ground, or gripping the front of the head and puling his head into his chest-be carefull with this, with too much pressure even during practice results in neck damage. A hammerlock is always combined with a hair grab, kick to the back of the knee and finishing strike. Likewise, all jointlocks are not come alongs, but breaks-if you are controlling him, you're married to him, and he is not alone, or if the guy is a non responder, at least the joint is useless. We also ues joint locks to position a person for more strikes. Basically, what this means is do unto others, then run like hell. In reality, we teach our students to avoid confrontation at all costs, talk your way out, walk away, if you can't walk-run, if you can't run-fly, but when you're backed up against the wall, you have no choice. Then hit first, hit hard, hit again, and again, then return to plan A-run!