View Full Version : 1000th post!

02-10-2002, 01:46 PM
This post will be my 1000th!

God I have NO life....

02-10-2002, 01:52 PM
How long have you been here?
Just wondering?

02-10-2002, 01:54 PM
sometime since the middle of last year I think.

Mr. Nemo
02-10-2002, 02:19 PM
Yeah, you've had your thousandth post, big deal. I've had my thousandth post TWICE - once on the old software, and then again a few posts ago since a lot of the archives were lost and my post count went down when the forum moved.

02-10-2002, 02:24 PM
Jeez... who p!ssed in your oatcakes grumpybutt?:D

02-10-2002, 02:37 PM

Where I come from, p!ssing on someone's Oatcakes is punished by 3 years of hard labour in a penal-colony ruled by butt-raping ho mosexual warlords.

MPS: I don't know what it means, but imagine if you'd put all the surfing hours into training............ [brings a tear to the eye don't it...]

02-10-2002, 02:52 PM
Almost all of my posting is done while I'm stuck at work, so it's actually kind of a moot point :)

Mr. Nemo
02-10-2002, 03:26 PM
You watch your tongue, Merryprankster. As of right now, I have seniority on you by two posts.

02-10-2002, 03:53 PM

02-10-2002, 03:54 PM

02-10-2002, 03:54 PM

Who's got seniority NOW?!


02-10-2002, 03:59 PM
Happy thousandth bud. When you get as many posts as me, then you'll see what it's like to have no life :D

go to work,post, train.
play with the kid.
go to work,post, train.
play with the kid.
go to work,post, train.
go to work,post, train.
play with the kid.
go to work,post, train.
go to work,post, train.
spend time with the wife.
go to work,post, train.
spend time with the wife.
go to work,post, train.

02-10-2002, 04:05 PM
Oh no... it looks a lot like yours now, actually.

Except, no kid. They tend to EAT into your time :)

02-10-2002, 04:24 PM
ain't that the truth!

02-10-2002, 04:45 PM
Shouldn't it be "spend time with the kid"

and "play with the wife?" :D

02-10-2002, 05:09 PM
I'm up to 380 posts since then.

Alot of my time is spent training and when I'm not training I'm eather working or spending quality time with my girlfriend.

It's called Having a Life.

I know I'm really f--ken good at Martial Arts because I train alot,Lift Weights all the time,and then train some more.

So I post here because I learn sh!t. (Yeah, I do learn alot of good stuff here)
and I Love talking about Martial Arts
It's what I live for.

C.M.A. forever! (but don't get to ****ey or some grappler will take you by supprise and twist your world around) just some food for thought.ALWAYS be ready.

02-10-2002, 05:13 PM
OK logic... ummm... thanks for the Ode to yourself.

You and your life and your fu(kin great martial arts abilities have fun....:)

02-10-2002, 05:20 PM
O.K. Mary prankster
with 1010 post here I'm sure you have spent alot of time training.(NOT)

I love your profile
So your an expert at nothing.
thats great

How many years of computer- Fu do you have?

02-10-2002, 05:34 PM
Ooooooook.... since you'd like to turn this into a ****ing contest, here's my schedule.

I'd like to remind you that I've already pointed out that I spend a great deal of my work day sitting in front of a computer screen, waiting to handle emergencies. Hence the posts. I posted my schedule below, on another thread awhile ago.

----I have a schedule in which I work 7 days straight for 12 hours a day, and then have a week completely off.

When I work days, I am unable to attend formal training. I shadow box and do bag work for 30-40 minutes. Then I do push-ups and ab work of various different sorts, and gi pullups (like towel pull-ups), working with a rough "ladder" type routine for the pullups. (thank you Pavel)

I then do a 5lbs heavy rope workout usually consisting of about 6 rounds of 30 to 45 seconds on, 30 seconds off.

I typically do that 5-6 days out of those seven.

When I work nights, I am unable to attend boxing, but I attend BJJ before work for around 2 hours, six days a week. While at work, I get an hour at night to work out. I do some shadow boxing, the gi pull ups and the heavy rope work.

On my weeks off, I attend boxing for 1.5 hours, which is generally gruelling (but fun), and later on in the day, I go to BJJ for around 2.5 to 3 hours a night, and on Saturday, anywhere from 2 to 5 hours.

I haven't done the math, but I imagine that works out to maybe 18 hours of training per week, averaged out. I don't feel like it's enough sometimes, but it's all my body can handle what with work, grocery shopping, laundry, cooking, maintaining a relationship, ensuring my friends aren't neglected and still trying to get 7-8 hours of sleep each night, etc.----

Except that this time, I did do the math.

Over 4 weeks, I average 14 hours a week of formal training.

If you include the shadowboxing and extra stuff I do when I work, I average 16.5 hours.

But if you only look at the 3 weeks I can REALLY train, then you're looking at 20.333 hours average per week.

But that's if I only stay at jiujitsu for 2.5 hours on my weeks off and only stay for 2 hours on the weekends on my weeks off. Usually it's from 7-10 in the evenings and from 1130 to around 4 or so on the weekends.

02-10-2002, 06:15 PM
If you guys are finished with the "my-d*ck-is-bigger-than-your-d*ck" argument (but with posts) then let's all move on, shall we?

Anyway, congrats, M'prankster.

02-10-2002, 06:17 PM

Collosal even.

Like unto the very ark itself.

That said, thanks. I'm not really celebrating it so much as I've got to have something to entertain me. :)

02-10-2002, 07:30 PM
3 Days a week Kung fu training
2 Days a week Tai Chi trainig

1,700 sit ups a week.
1,000 Push ups a week (4 sets of 70 mon/wed/fri/sun/)and more so!
Curls, pull ups,and dips,
wing chun,Iron dummy,Heavy bag,sparring,forms,

Man, I could go on and on like
75 solid punches to the heavy bag each arm.
In 4 SETS. 4 days a week.

Walk on home boy.

02-10-2002, 07:35 PM

Don't be such a jerk. You implied I don't train. I quite pointedly, and obviously do. That's all it was for. Really. The only reason it was detailed is because I had it already done on another thread.

I'm glad you train too.

I bow down before your awesome display of punching the bag and doing sit-ups. You could kick my ass with one hand, no, BOTH hands tied behind your back.

Are you happy?

02-10-2002, 08:00 PM
I really didn't mean to be a jerk.

I'm just responding to the Bragging rights that you had brought out.

It seems you do have some pretty intense training.(thats cool)

I was always sure that you trained in something but didn't see it in your profile.

Thank you for bowing down before me. But it's really not necessary

"You and your life and your F--ken great M.A. ability have fun"

Do you have anything else to say Martial related?

02-10-2002, 08:17 PM
Chi makes me see the way to peace.

At least I think it's peace.

Oh well, It's something.


02-11-2002, 05:35 AM
Well i walked around a pillar today more times than i can count.
I spent 2 hours learning to lion dance.
I spent 2 hours practicing the forth palm change from my Bagua.
I spent 2 hours watching a movie with a girl i like plus got a date for valantines day.
I spent 1 hour with a bunch of school kids having a acrobatics and jump kicks contest.

All in all its been a pretty good day, yet i still found time to come here and say congratulations to Merryprankster on his milestone post. Plus compete in a my day was harder than your day contest.
Im a full time internal student plus i still often do my Hung Ga class of a night so ner ner ner:p :p :p
I train either six or seven days a week and basicaly all day with an hour or so for lunch.
Im really tired my legs hurt and i still havent come close to even comprehending what im spending my time on.
I also have no life but its due to too much kung fu and not enough time spent on my friends.
I dont consider myself good but i would like to think that the time ive spent over the years training has not been in vain.
I just wanted to brag like everyone else was im sorry:(
Anyhow, congrats on your posts merry ive enjoyed reading them, even if we are from different schools i will always respect a fellow martial artist who is dedicated to there choosen art.

02-11-2002, 05:53 AM
That sounds like a great workout Jon.

Sorry about getting carried away last night.

02-11-2002, 09:20 AM

No hard feelings. I'm just as guilty.

One of the things I get VERY tired of is hearing "how much harder (insert TMA here) is than (insert Non-TMA here), and you have to be SOOOOOO much more dedicated." While you weren't saying that, I was feeling feisty and took it that way.

It's all a matter of training hard, whether it's boxing, wrestling or Tai Chi.

Of course, TMA guys get tired of hearing how nothing they do will work, and stances and movements are unrealistic. :)

I came across as quite offensive (defensive?) and I apologize for it.

Here's to future posts!!! :)