View Full Version : Favorite techniques...

02-12-2002, 02:03 AM
What are your favorite techniques?

I had problems choosing the ones I like the most but here they are:

- Low thai kicks

- Chain punchs

- I don't block! I punch or deflect.

- Harai Goshi

Joint locking
- Ude Garami

-Okuri Eri Jime

- Kata Gatami

There are lots of techniques I really like and many during position wrestling but I had to choose... :)

02-12-2002, 03:19 AM
hasha basha what?? :D I hate when people use japanese or chinese namnes for their techniques..

I'll do the list later..


Ray Pina
02-12-2002, 07:48 AM
Hey guys -- and gals -- let;s talk theory or principles, but leave specific technology out.

02-12-2002, 11:42 AM
I try to make every move a "Combo". A big fave is a defence against a double-lapel grip. You elbow strike to the jaw, follow into a scarf-hole O-soto-Gari. Lovely.

Justa Man
02-12-2002, 11:46 AM
-attack limbs. joints are the most sensative. wrist, elbow, shoulder. also bicep and some parts of the forearm are good targets. same for kicks. ankle, knee and hip. top of foot is super fragile. principle - the attack that is coming at you (arm/leg/head) offers the closest target to you. therefore you are fastest if you attack those targets because your attack travels the least amount of distance. speed and efficiency.
-feinting. i think it works great in real situations. fake, open him up and take advantage. but the fake should be a legitimate attack that would hurt if not reacted to or defended.
-leave openings in my "fighting stance" (i don't really assume a stance) to get the other person to go there, thinking i'm open.
-observe nature as much as possible.

02-12-2002, 12:11 PM
My favorite technique is forgetting about techniques...

02-12-2002, 12:27 PM
One of my favorites is the spear. It is a technique my instructor showed us that he learned from Tony Blauer. Essentially you have your hands up in the universal "I don't wan't any trouble" position. If any forward movement is detected you bring your hands together (arms out) in front of you (hense the name spear) and shoot it towards the opponents neck (inside arm) and shoulder (outside arm). It is very effective against attempted takedowns and hooks. It is not really a strike, although a few people have said that the move alone was enough to knock the opponent on their bottom.

02-12-2002, 12:37 PM
I like alot of techniques, hip throw being the shiznit :D .. elbow-knee attack/combo is cool. drop-punch-reverse.. uhmm, all elbow combos and
Li chuen, low kicks and knee attacks. Joint locks.. I love all :D

02-12-2002, 01:08 PM
ewallace, a lot of Tai Chi people just call it Double Ward-off...sometimes it's a Press

Nothing new under the sun.

norther practitioner
02-12-2002, 01:20 PM
double hammer fist. The first to deflect/strike/block, the second to strike. It works well when someone is trying to measure up and throws a jab that isn't really supposed to do anything, meet that jab with the first hammer, then hammer away. I also like the entry from range to range, and working the combos that could do that. low sweeping kick, to punch, to elbow, to knee is great.

KC Elbows
02-12-2002, 03:38 PM
Breaking down the opponent's structure, then using legwork to uproot them, and beat them all the way to the ground...

...and, of course, spitting.

02-12-2002, 03:47 PM