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View Full Version : ATTN: Gene Ching

Sam Wiley
02-13-2002, 11:22 AM
I submitted answers to the Kung Fu Magazine online quiz, or at least tried to, but there's something wrong with the version of Internet Explorer I'm running and an error occurred when I hit "submit." Can you check and let me know if you guys got the stuff I submitted? I didn't want to submit something a second time, just in case you guys have one of those no multiple posts rules.

Also, I was looking at the previous quiz answers, and the Chinese equivalent of the Sai in the quiz where that was the prize was listed as "jian." Is that correct? I found another name for them in one of Yang Jwing-ming's books (Taiji Qin-Na) quite by accident last night, and the name was "chai." Why I couldn't have come across something like that while the quiz was on, I don't know. What's the right answer here?

Sam Wiley
02-13-2002, 01:49 PM

02-13-2002, 03:25 PM
Jian is the most common (Gen in cantonese.) It is a different character than jian for sword. You might check out the article I did on chinese sai in our Sep/Oct 2001 issue, since I address this there.
Many of the quiz entrants have figured out that the answers to every quiz can be found in the on-stand issue of Kungfu Qigong. But, I do accept alternate answers. For instance, a lot of people answered hairpin for that question, which I accepted even though I hadn't heard that one myself. But there were enough answers to convince me to include them for the drawing.

I'm not sure what's happening with your submission. This is the first bug I've heard of.

Sam Wiley
02-13-2002, 03:41 PM
Thanks, Gene.

I'd love to just go out and buy the magazine every once in a while, if not for interesting articles for the chance to win something neat. Unfortunately, most people in my area do not carry it. And those that do always run out of copies before I can get one. Can't afford a subscription, either.

Anyway, is it okay if I just re-submit it? I wouldn't see that it would matter. That problem is with my browser, though, not with your stuff. Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 or 7, whichever is the newest one, has some problems and occasionally it crashes because of them. That's what happened when I submitted the entry, so I didn't get a confirmation or anything.