Originally Posted by Guardian1000 And this is from an inheritor of a system? http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNzA3MjUyNDI0.html
Originally Posted by BPWT.. Originally Posted by Alan Orr So please grow up and understand wing chun is not a computer game or a black and white result Please stop with the silly insults and try to read what I am actually writing. For God's sake, I am even putting emphasis (highlights or italics) on words like before and during, so that there can't be any confusion. Still flogging that dead horse. Put up or shut up, your opinions have zero credibility, your claims of sparring don't mesh with the questions you keep asking. ...
There are too much to cover in this subject. But IMO, the SC influence to the TCMA is the "leg movement". From a striker point of view, the leg can be used for kicking. From a SC guy point of view, the leg can be used to sweep, scoop, stick, sharpening, cut, hook, spring, lift, spring, bite, twist, ... Also SC can diveided a human body into 4 sides and 2 doors. If one just learn 6 techniques, he can cover all situatons. Since when you set up a technique such as leg lift, you can use the ...