Originally Posted by Shaolin Wookie Originally Posted by bodhi warrior Here is a video by a Choy Li Fut sifu demonstrating a back hand slap from his system. It is almost identical to the move we were taught in the 2nd white crane form at brown belt. I don’t think I’ve seen another system do this move so close to Shaolin do. It kinda makes a point I’ve believed for awhile. The core material and the movements can trace their roots to Shaolin. Even though the arrangement of form movements themselves are different. I have found other connections as well. Anyway. Have ...
This is to help those interested in Sun Taiji...specifically about "Open and Close" I write this because very often I see Sun Style "Kai-He" / Open and Close being performed (in my mind) incorrectly. Hope this helps. Most people make the shape and do the rough form of "Open and Close". However, I'm writing this to point out the details of how the front and back side of the lungs are put into play. Your elbows should not pull backwards ...
Updated 03-19-2023 at 06:14 PM by Subitai
Shaolin Kung Fu (Chinese: 少林功夫 ), also called Shaolin Wushu (少林武術 ), is among the oldest institutionalized styles of Chinese martial arts. Known in Chinese as Shaolinquan , it originated and was developed in the Buddhist Shaolin temple in Henan province, China. , also known as Shaolin martial arts, is one of the famous martial arts . It has a long history and profound influence, is an important part of the traditional martial arts China. Began ...
Updated 03-30-2021 at 09:07 PM by taizukungfu
Originally Posted by herb ox Gosh am I the only other one here who gets this? Originally Posted by GeneChing Happy Fryday. Hi! you aren`t.
by Subitai on Thu Dec 07, 2017 11:49 am C.J.W. wrote: Take empty-hand fighting for example, TCMA places great emphasis on bridging, or creating arm-contact, as a starting point for most fighting applications. And once contact is made, a TCMA fighter will usually use some sort of style-specific hand-method (shou-fa手法) to execute a technique, or seek to create additional contact points before doing so. While this game plan may sound great in theory ...