Conversation Between Doc Stier and TenTigers

3 Visitor Messages

  1. Happy Birthday, Doc!
  2. I have some cool pics from my trip to Jook Lum Temple in Kowloon. Send me your e-mail to and I will send them to you.
    Hey, what is shen men tao, and why was I banned from their forum?
  3. What's up Doc? :-)
    How do you feel Lam's Jook Lum is different from other systems, and how do you account for these differences?
    From my own experience (however limited) I see Lam's Jook Lum Tng long as more fluid, softer, and evasive, yet just as aggressive-in its own way. The footwork is lively,evasive and the hands are s if they are two poison snakes,each with their own mind, constantly feeling,seeking and striking their individual targets, yet working together as one-very hard to describe-much harder still to accomplish.
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