Fact: the so called major Dao Sword thing was actually something put together by the two guys in the clip as a kind of muck around for a possible display. It was simply footage of a walk through of their collaboration. I was not even present when it took place! One of the person's daughter actually filmed it on their phone and sent it to me. No big deal! Not attributed to White Crane Gongfu at any time! An d certainly no big deal as you have attempted to make it to be! Get over yourself! Fact: My "White Crane" is MY White Crane! I have stated this on many, many occasions on forums and on my own web site! Fact: Yes I have enjoyed the support and guidance of others (Master Ruan Dong (Acknowledged in Writing by himself), Master Su YingHan, Master Lee Kong .... Big deal! At least I have sought out guidance so as to align that which I am doing with accepted schools of this art and practice. So Hualong, there you have it!
Fact: I did not "photoshop" that image but I do have my idea of who did. If you notice the image you will not that the person does not have any visible tattoos on their forearms, I do! So it wasn't a very good attempt! Fact: The MCarthy letter attributed to me was actually written by McCarthy himself ... it is full of "McCarthy - Speak". Fact: Rousellot had admitted in the Karate-Budo forum that he was coerced by McCarthy to do "his dirty work" and to attack myself and others so as it would appear that McCarthy's hands were "clean".
Hi Hualong, What exactly do you want from me? Fact: I have never said I studied directly under Ruan Dong! Fact: However he did offer his guidance to me and wrote to me that he accepted me into his school. That is a solid fact backed by his writings to me which are on file in black and white! Fact: He and I exchanged a great deal of resources on White Crane. He sharing of his art and footage of himself and I sharing of my footage of myself. it was from this basic that we worked together. That is history and that is truth and no amount of whining on your behalf can or will change that.
Hi James, How are you Mr. Freeman. Looks like you have alinged yourself the Yongchun Crane of Martin's. How is that going for you??? Hope you are well. Still working for the UN???
Hualong, i sent you PM's about the matter. Please rtefer to same and please refer same to Gethin.
Hualong, many many many thanks. Although I am sure we have not heard the last of mr Goninan, I think an important issue has been resolved - All thanks to you - excellent work, thank you. It was good to see the 'mods' kept out of all this. This has been a great day for me, it's been a long time coming but well worth the wait - thank you. Dave Williams. dghw59@hotmail.com
Hi Hualong, thanks for the post regarding Mr Goninan - I would not have seen this otherwise. Dave Williams.