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    Great to see you round the forums. I think you help to keep things real around here.
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    You win internets.
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    poliamo, hanga chan. shake hands
  4. i am penus cup cake
    i will eat you
  5. View Conversation
    百川匯海, 刀劍交情
  6. View Conversation
    do u have a sister i can make the sex to?
  7. Thanks
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    "forms is not useless. u teach it to gwei lo u can make a lot monies. teaching forms is one of the easiest immigrant jobs ever and makes monies fast.
    for a poor cantonese guy who knows a little kung fu in the 70s which job is easier, teach white ppl some forms or clean up diarrhea in a chinese restaurant
    the only reason im not doing that is my undying love for my homeland and burning rage to avenge my acenstors and the boxer rebels"

    Best post on that thread, hands down! Kung Fu, Economics, and the Chinese Immigrant Experience all tied together.

    Bawang, you need to start a Kung Fu blog. Seriously. It would be the best on the internets.

    Keep the fire burning and don't rest!
  9. bawang Rocks Hard!

    "bu yao ao wu niao" - dont bite my dik
    "wu dao ni niang di changzi" - i sodomize your mother
    "bu yao shao wu niao mao" - dont try to light my pubic hair on fire
    "bu yao ba laohu xuzi" - dont pull the tigers whiskers
    "ru ni lao mu" - i fuk your grandmother
    "qian ren ru, wan ren qi, yazi" - h0m0sexual ridden by thousands of men
    "ba ni di pi rang ni mo yifu chuan" - i skin you so you have no clothes to wear
    "szi ba!" - die!
    "lao zhu gou" - old pig dog
    "lan pi gu" - syphilis covered rotting anus
    "lan bi zi" - syphillis covered rotting vagina
    "zhi niang zei" - triad who has sex with his mother
    "chang wu xi sih" - taste my watery diarrhea
    "tu lu" - bald donkey
  10. hi uki
    its never too late to stop being a fake weirdo and find a real sifu and train real kung fu instead of imitating jackie chan and posting gibberish on the internet
    everybody starts as a beginner with illusions and fantasies. but u have to grow out of it whether u are 12 or whether u r 40
    u just wasted 1 hour from my life i really have to go train kung fu now have fun spamming internet forums
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About bawang

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About bawang
What's your MA style?:
Wombat Combat, the lost art of anal destruction
How long have you trained?:
bout tree fiddy
im poor. pls send monies
Pound Town
making white people cry
chinatown pimp


Honorary African American
grandmaster instructor of Wombat Combat The Lost Art of Anal Destruction™®LLC .
Senior Business Director at TEAM ASSHAMMER consulting services ™®LLC


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09-27-2012 05:22 PM
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08-15-2024 08:22 PM
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