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    Almost A Ghost-

    After looking over the VT postings I have a question for you - I want to know if you live in /near Boston. We are a very small group who practice VT twice a week and we need another student to train with.

    We don't charge anything, we have and train the Jong and we require a dedicated student with previous Ving Tsun (or WT) experience because we don't want to have to train a complete beginner.

    Basically, we need another chi sau partner and we'll train him/her through the Jong BUT they must be dedicated.

    I won't tell you about the Sifu just yet but I guarantee that you won't be disappointed.

    Please respond if interested or if you know of another chunner who might meet the criteria.

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About Almost A Ghost

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About Almost A Ghost
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Wing Chun
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Since August 2001
Henderson, NV
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08-16-2008 07:48 PM
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07-29-2019 01:32 PM
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  1. SenseiShellie SenseiShellie is offline

    randomness is key

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