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  1. Great stuff its a fantastic system in answer to Lee Shing showing Ip Man I have no idea but Ip Man wouldve been aware of it through Fung Sang and others also Lee Shing Considered Fung Sang his Sifu and not just a family friend but he first learned the system in his home village which is in the Kulo District some people on here get confused with Village names and province names so when I hear things like he never visited Kulo village it does bring a smile to my face it was in the later years that he studied under Fung Sang so the story of going back after Ip Man died and he picked up a few things is just BS we work from a full syllabus not bits and pieces again make me smile I would in fact question if he did in fact study under Ip Man as our system is very different as he had studied under Ng Jung So before HK but who really knows
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    You are probably right about Spencer! I studied KLPS with Jim Roselando and finished about 2/3's of the system. Then I got away from it for awhile. Recently I'm back to practicing it and have arranged to train with Jim's teacher....Henry review what I know and finish the system.
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    I'm always interested in knowledge sharing and building links between the various schools and associations. Would be good to talk more.
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About leeshing
What's your MA style?:
Wing Chun, Kulo Wing Chun, MMA, Boxing
How long have you trained?:
20 years WC 40 years boxing 15 years MMA
Train under Master Joseph Lee and I am the Founder of The Lee Shing Wing Chun Association
TCM Practitioner


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