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  1. View Conversation
    Hi Phil. Just found out my guys are not showing up tonite. I may stop by the park but stop by next week
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    happy birthday phil!
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    Happy birthday!
  4. Dodo, of course I'd suggest William Cheung's school but you should decide after visiting each school and asking questions. WSL (along with William Cheung), was one of the WC fighters. You can't go wrong either way.
  5. View Conversation
    Hey, Phil. I'm thinking about starting wing chun. I live in melbourne and the most convinient places are; TWC- William Cheung and Wsl wing chun - David Peterson. It looks like you have alot of experience with the different linages, can you please give me a brief discription about the difference? Thanks you in advance.
  6. View Conversation
    Phil, I am glad to see that you were a Marine. I am also currently serving in the Marine Corps Reserve, Semper Fi. I was navigating some older posts about wooden dummy's because I am looking for one and you seemed to have some good insight. Would you happen to know how I might come across a good quality solid wood dummy that isn't $1000 bucks these days? Or perhaps someone that might be willing to make one? Thanks
  7. View Conversation
    Hey Phil,
    My Seef has a friends son who wants to study WC. He lives in China town could you send me some info to fwd him. here or on facebook.
    I hope all is well.
    How did your son recover? I often think about him, hope he is well.
    Don Berry DC, RKC
  8. Classes are in Columbus Park at Mulberry Street between Bayard and Baxter Sts. 3:30 - 5:00PM
  9. View Conversation
    hello sifu, I hope your offer still stands. I might be coming down to your class in Chinatown this or next Saturday. Where in chinatown exactly do you do your classes?
  10. View Conversation
    I've been to your website a few times i found it helpful you look like you know what your doing lol.
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About Phil Redmond

Basic Information

Date of Birth
November 29
About Phil Redmond
What's your MA style?:
Wing Chun and various Chinese martial arts
How long have you trained?:
49 Years
I have been studying martial arts since 1966, beginning in Okinawa after my first tour in Vietnam as a U.S. Marine. I've studied Wing Chun since 1970. Please check the foreward and history links on
Los Angeles
Martial arts, music
Martial arts instructor


Sifu Phillip Redmond
Traditional Wing Chun Academy NYC/L.A.



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06-19-2012 10:36 AM
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08-15-2019 06:56 PM
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