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8 Visitor Messages

  1. I sleep on the floor or stairs or the stuff in my PWIMSIK (Place Where My Stuff Is Kept) or on the stairs and the floor or the landing and the floor. I have no bed for more than a decade. With the operation I cannot continue this with permission of the Doctor. I can squat and use acute angles at my knees. I hesitate when things are not clear and do not go forward without having seen it through from beyond it being finished. My inability to drive, inability to bend-y understanding at a lack of functionality.

    Pain--I breathe and anticipate...and Hurt. Avoiding pain or more at anticipated pain and hurt might be worse than smartly suffering-I've come to such a thought. After the operation if it slips in my hip I have to wait in incorrectable pain until can get to a doctor and cannot easily travel by car because of the seats angle and bumping of travel.

    I study me in This Now. I appreciate the Moment. No_Know
  2. View Conversation
    Oh jeez that's quite a predicament. Hopefully surgery goes well and you are no longer in pain. Being active and keeping a low weight should also help. Not sure how any of that Medicare stuff works though :P
  3. View Conversation
    The bruise is healing well thanks. Still a little darkness around where the eye meets to the brige of the nose but I have to look for it to notice it. I tried your technique on it and I think it may have helped although I didn't use it regularly enough to be sure one way or the other. I've been traveling and really busy the last couple months.
  4. View Conversation
    Thanks for your thoughts on the matter. I'm especially grateful because your the only one out of thirty posts to have any ideas about how to heal the bruise.
    I'll try your technique and see if it works.
  5. View Conversation
    Nice vids on Myspace
  6. As I practice, I make adjustments as I see they should be made. Squirrel is and continues Other than final. I comprehend what I do. Others will comprehend what they do. It wouldn't be Ernie Moore Jr.'s Kung-Fu, Squirrel but their Squirrel-unless they Do the concept of my Say.There is, was, will be Squirrel, devoid of Me.

  7. View Conversation
    I hope you are able to finalize the squirrel kung fu =]
  8. View Conversation
    I've never really studied squirrels or Squirrel Kung-Fu but I think I see what you mean. A tuck that is done correctly might work if the musculature is not forced.
    That could be, however I find it best to not do anything that isn't really a natural function of the human body. Pulling the sacrum forward isn't very natural, so holding it in like that over prolonged periods of time is eventually going to have an effect. I know it did for me and I am very glad I learned at least this method, it seems to be correct for me.
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About No_Know

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January 16, 1970 (55)
About No_Know
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Not really a doer; I like Kung-Fus
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Time is not the absolute determinant of Comprehension
I Think. I Breathe. I Dream.
Where ever I Am; today, West Virginia, US of A, NA, N of EUdMexico
Earthquakes, Comprehending, Human excellence
Undetermined; I don't get paid for anything-ish


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The existance of Squirrel Kung-Fu?

by No_Know on 09-12-2023 at 02:48 PM
Quote Originally Posted by No_Know View Post
Night of the Gauntlet Form

.....Lowest Horse riding stance you can and still move with it and out of it--moove your leg slightly but off of the ground o stepdown left or right of former standing.

.....One fist high, one passed ribs and foot to cross shin...fists can become palms and you might not know until you use it which it will~ be. the fists don't seem as though they could rech but even having an ineffective fist perceived comming to your face or might hit you

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