That one works fine for me. Thanks. Is this Yong Chun White Crane?
Type: Posts; User: Cataphract
That one works fine for me. Thanks. Is this Yong Chun White Crane?
The idea that a little girl learns fencing using an estoc is a little weird though. Rapier-like weapons were in use since the bronze age. Clearly more fit for a young lady than some highly...
The video is gone...
Thanks, RenDaHai.
Wait, so there is a whip that is not single (dan bian)? What's it like?
And is the Wu Bei Zhi online somewhere? Not on Wikibooks, I'm afraid.
Very interesting thread. Thank you guys.
There will be a sequel series featuring the original actors kicking some more legs.
The following is a translation of "Fundamentals of Southern Boxing Arts" by Xu Taine of Jiangyin.
The form described in...
I believe the virtue humility is inherent to Daoism as well.
Dao De Jing, #61: The Attribute of Humility
Shotokan teaches straight back leg. He is showing lunged reverse punches. (At 00:51 is a plain gyaku zuki, only that the back foot would be flat on the ground.) The back leg straightens as it...
Those self-serious "nerdy" types are usually just wannabes. Blatancy drops sharply with competence in any field, from my experience.
And the tooth fairy as well. And I don't even know what this thread is about. I think wiz was debunkingn kung fu movies as unrealistic.
Is there some style that still teaches the use of Ji (戟) or double Ji?
In the west it is about a chivalric ideal. I suspect that overlayed the perception of eastern martial folklore.
I mean, the bandits of the water margin were all sorts of types. Mostly just that,...
I hadn't seen the video and was undecided. But now you start to sound like Hendrik. SHemmati has announced to spill some truth, and your answer with silliness. That's hardly convincing.
Have a bunch of five or more kids try to wrestle you to the ground at the same time. Best rooting exercise ever.
The Wuxia genre is akin to the European knight errant stories like the King Arthur cycle. They are a bit of transcendental road movies.
There usually a good deal of character development under...
Dutch Thai-boxing has adopted the front stance from Kyokushin. Many Karate lineages favor front stance. I think Wong Shun Leung mentioned Karate's front stance favorably somewhere.
I wouldn't subscribe to that. The oldest surviving HEMA manuscript I.33 shows a monk training sword hottie Walpurgis. That one is from around 1300 and predates Ming. I don't think either of them...
There is an X-Men anime. I've only seen trailers, but it looked good to me.
Gear up.
Funakoshi said (I'm paraphrasing): Never retract an empty hand.
I would draw the line between systems that train full contact and those that don't.
Are we talking Yang, Wu, Chen...? I'd say TaiChi generally has more or less the northern KungFu toolbox at its disposal.
Single leg is simple. Needle at bottom of Sea.
TaiChi Yang form has a...
Who gets to decide what is 100% TaiChi then? If you do the form alone probably not. If you take its contents and train against a resisting partner, why not? Kicking, punching, grappling and throwing...