Maybe The VTM can confirm where they got this information from as it seems their "history findings" seems to change with the wind. Question is, is there an actual verifiable, confirmed source for the...
Type: Posts; User: JPinAZ
Maybe The VTM can confirm where they got this information from as it seems their "history findings" seems to change with the wind. Question is, is there an actual verifiable, confirmed source for the...
Thanks for sharing, but I see little in the way of 'facts' regarding WCK in this clip - just opinions based on misundersatandings of even basic concepts in the WCK system.
Again showing insecurity and immaturity by turning to personal attacks and insults because his utter misunderstanding of WCK and it's training methods is exposed. This is exactly how whiny children...
The new age in kung fu! Not only do you not need to train anything you sell or say, apparently you don't even have to have any skill or be able to do ANY of the things you preach!! Not...
Great job Siukee! From the pages you've shared, it appears you are delving into important ideas in WC SNT - I look forward to reading my copy when it arrives!
Another thought. If we put aside the irony of Hendrik preaching about fighting abilities and fitness when he's publicly said on many occasions that he doesn't train WC for fighting and only for...
That must be frustrating that you found your WCK has drifted in this manner for so long. Good thing not many outside your welf-branded WC see this same degradation in their WC system. But it's...
This clip must be real boring, even Hendrick couldn't keep his eyes open for most of it! :eek:
Because they have $80+ books to sell. That's one expensive roll of toilet paper Crybaby HS is selling!! lol
It seems nobody understand what is going on with you. But what's real telling is, you challenge me to fight with some third parties that aren't even part of the conversation since we all know you do...
So, if someone doesn't believe your made-up new-found his-story & added in non-WC mumbo jumbo, then they aren't human, live in fantasy land/movies/etc or only believe what they are told and can't...
Learning from video is why you are so lost when it comes to WC :rolleyes:
And then immediately after making this statement included clips of himself proving he falls into the exact same category... oh the irony! lol
LOL at how quick HS is to start talking down to people, telling them they aren't 'detailed enough' to understand, etc.
Speaking for yourself only I am sure. This is basic WC 101 stuff, I'm...
HAHAHA, this is by far the funniest thread I've read in a long time!! I had tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard. bawang's posts (and Hendrik's by default) are comedy gold!
LOL, what was...
No need to apologize Mun Hung, sharing your view needs no apology :) I agree with you - this wouldn't work against anyone that knows what they are doing, let alone 'hundreds of people'. Either he's...
Sure, and when I do you answer in the same thread.. avoid it again and just continue with these childish games - you can't be even be honest for one post!
It's easy to see you're just...
Same pattern again...
Vague and avoiding. You know, you can just say "I don't know", it's a perfectly acceptable answer :)
And of course I'm confused - you are all over the place with your...
I'm confused at your point because you also imply it takes most likely years before someone is even functional with WC since you repeatedly claim one needs to go thru SNT, CK, Chi Sau, pole and dummy...
There's a pattern forming here. You feel you are more than qualified to come tell everyone what won't work, what won't 'be wing chun' based on time spent training, etc. But you're also clearly...
what does 'a lot of experience in wing chun' really mean?
You've been asked a few times what your TEACHING experience is but you never answered. It's pretty clear here that you are still a...
I've heard this before from the WSL lineage. So in that lineage, this may be true, but in my experience 'chi sau' is about a lot more than training for punching.
Again, depends on the lineage...
Some of HFY's Kiu Sau fighting methodology, strategy & tactics directly mirrors those of the knives.
There are also influences in our Kiu Sau that come direct from spear fighting tactics...
Thanks Phil - I know exactly what you're talking about and appreciate the difference between a 'round punch' and a 'hook punch'! When I was training boxing, that tight hook was my favorite punch ;)
I agree, they weren't hooks.
IMO, you can get inside a tight hook, but you have to be on the inside position already before it's thrown (in order to throw the hook, they have to work their way into...