Apologies for the delay in sending this - internet here is poor and it just goes off sometimes...
What I offer in answer to your post are simply my own observations.
The 'Flat and...
Type: Posts; User: GETHIN
Apologies for the delay in sending this - internet here is poor and it just goes off sometimes...
What I offer in answer to your post are simply my own observations.
The 'Flat and...
Thank you for your reply,
some interesting questions there, but before we get into that I really would like to 'clear up' the issue in-hand (one step at a time Ron !).
Lulu Publications... ISBN...
Ron, there are some aspects of this post which baffle me... are you aware of the 'Xian Zhang Bei' monument in Fuzhou ?. It was erected by both Japanese and Chinese martial artists some years ago in...
That's great !, thank you Ron.
Thank you for your reply,
please don't apologise, your answer simply confirms the validity of your post.
thank you for sharing this. Could you please say where it came from... who wrote this and when ?.
Thanks again.
Hi Hendrick,
I hope this uploads okay. Here is a picture from Ruan Dongs book of Fujian Crane. 'Paizhi', (fingers in a row), or 'flat palm' is a basic hand form in Calling...
This is Guo's profile from a school he taught at in Wudang when I was there a few years back. After that he moved to Wuhan, I don't have an address for him although we stay in touch by phone and...
Shifu Goi is probably the best there. A genuine 14th generation of the Wudang Sangfeng sect, he has studied with shaolin also. He very much an 'all-rounder' with great variety of weapons skills....
I would study a technique a day usually for four hours in the afternoon after a morning of forms - this would be six, sometimes seven days per week.
The tech's I learned were all 'walking'...
Greetings Stickgrappler,
thanks for sharing this, although much of it should be considered natural instinct it's always good to remind ourselves and be aware of potential...
Quick release leather belts with heavy metal buckles are very popular here , easy to carry and useful - I've seen a lot of people playing with these....
Sounds good to me, are you up for it Ron ?
How many of you have actually met or trained with the current head of your association, school and or style?
I did.
Is it important to do so???
Not essential, but it was important to me...
Quote- This then leads us to the supposition that he founders of the arts we may follow were to a greater or lesser extent a "Fraud" (in the modern definition) or operated a form of a "McDojo".
Please excuse my poor notes LOL !!!. Here is a Fujian style of chopping to the wrists as found in several Crane forms - performed with the free hand from below the 'offended' or 'grabbed' limb. Chops...
I am working on an old book I was given in Yongchun a few years ago... its massive. and a lot of time needed to translate it !. Here's a section some may find interesting.
I wonder if he would have been banned, had there had not been so much emphasis on the fact that he would specifically be visiting the scenes of last years riots in the UK...?
Hi, I don't know the name but I have a dvd I made some years ago in Fujian showing Master Feng Wu performing the complete set. If I can convert it to a file (?) and you want to send me a pm I can...
My best wishes for a speedy recovery. I am looking forward to seeing you back on here asap.
Thanks for the lowdown - yes there are a few, I just don't think watching youtube is worth having a knock at my door and my pc confiscated... :confused:
Sorry - I'm in PRC... can't get youtube here as it's banned and illegal to get it with a proxy :rolleyes: I was just wondering which one are you in the photo's ?.:D
I was in Tunisia one time reading Silence of the lambs... the biggest moth I have ever seen started flying around me - I was at the part in the book where they find a moth had been shoved down...
I hope this works this time - if it does here is a daoist moth from Wudang :eek:
The moths in Wudang are pretty big.