
Type: Posts; User: Hombrediablo2

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  1. Replies

    Cool responses didnt mean to stir up crap but in...

    Cool responses didnt mean to stir up crap but in my time working for the company I work for weve managed to pull alot of crackheads off the streets. And alot of times the people have warrants the...
  2. Replies

    Thanks for all the replies Kung lek is entitled...

    Thanks for all the replies Kung lek is entitled to his opinions thats cool but the guy was not one of these model citizens that Miami is full of lol and yeah I got a little out of control but who...
  3. Replies

    I know dude it was an adrenaline thing I couldnt...

    I know dude it was an adrenaline thing I couldnt help it besides the guy was a scumbag he deserved it he had been ruining peoples lives!
  4. Replies

    Used martial arts in real situation !

    ( This in no way is a troll job true story ) I work in coroporate security for a major retailer in Miami Florida I wont specify who for obvious reasons. On this particular day we where on alert for a...
  5. Thanks for all the info, Ill be heading out...

    Thanks for all the info, Ill be heading out tommorow to take a look at the school..
  6. Sticky hands do you train there now ? (thanks for...

    Sticky hands do you train there now ? (thanks for all your help to all of you reading this thats what makes this site awesome...)and if you do train there how would you rate the school ?
  7. Yes I trained with Sifu Gus Rubio that guy is...

    Yes I trained with Sifu Gus Rubio that guy is awesome and the school was great. <Sticky hands would you...
  8. I moved from there about 2 years now do you train...

    I moved from there about 2 years now do you train with Kung Fu connection?
  9. Thanks for the responses. How do guys feel about...

    Thanks for the responses. How do guys feel about contract schools I understand that sometimes its necessary to maintain students and to stay in business but has it hurt or helped Martial arts ?
  10. Thats what I love about this site someone always...

    Thats what I love about this site someone always wants to help! Im willing to drive ( if there are morning classes ) probably an hour. Thanks for the speedy response .. HD
  11. Looking for schools that teach " Eagle " based system in Broward..

    Theres a school in Broward county Florida" Nees Kung Fu " but ive never liked schools with high pressure sales I went in there once it felt like I was buying a car !! I use martial arts alot for work...
  12. Replies

    Grappler Baki is one of my favorite martial arts ...

    Grappler Baki is one of my favorite martial arts movies, and cord cutting an attacker would be kind of neat.:D
  13. Replies

    Thanks for the feed back I thought the Renzo...

    Thanks for the feed back I thought the Renzo Royler book looked better also, I got to use some jiu jitsu at work on Saturday I ended up chasing a shoplifter onto Ramble wood and University Drive into...
  14. Replies

    Brazilian jiu jitsu books

    Im going to but a BJJ book there are three that ive seen Machado BJJ, Renzo and Royler, and Royce and Caeser Gracie have any of you read these and if so which is the best? thanks .
  15. Replies

    Where is the school located? I actually live in...

    Where is the school located? I actually live in coral springs but I have wanted to learn tai chi thanks for the info.
  16. Replies

    Do you cross train in anythibg else?

    Do you cross train in anythibg else?
  17. Replies

    Tai Chi Chuan as a fighting art?

    does any one here study tai chi and had to use it in a self defense all out brawl?
  18. Replies

    Need help buying a wooden dummy?

    Can anyone help me out with buying a wooden dummy a good site maybe thanks...
Results 1 to 18 of 18