And even then the 'doing' of them needs to relevant and not just theory-laden. There's plenty of examples of 'applied' principles in TCMA that are only applied compliantly, within set exchanges of...
Type: Posts; User: Indrafist
And even then the 'doing' of them needs to relevant and not just theory-laden. There's plenty of examples of 'applied' principles in TCMA that are only applied compliantly, within set exchanges of...
Nicely said. Shame we don't have an historical perspective on our own times. Decades from now the results of the changes ocurring today, will be known, and no doubt, argued about in the light of...
There you go, everything you need to know :)
Well said as the truth.
Just as a point on law enforcement and sport fighting. I totally lacked the motivaton to get involved with competition martial arts, at any time, in my police career - which ran from the ages of 18...
I was doing that kind of thing in a police uniform 36 years ago. It looked even funnier in those silly big hats we had to wear in the UK police, and funnier still as none of my mates on the job had...
My first TCMA teachers were three brothers who all cross-trained, and were all street fighters. Each cross trained at least three styles. The eldest of the brothers did both Dai-Shing Pek Gwa (with...
It's an ideal opportunity for TCMA to evolve and develop. Why not? They always have, but the inertia against contemporary development is often huge. One issue is that TCMA serve a bandwidth of...
I read him as saying that there's probably noTMA or TCMA striking in UK MMA as it's all kick-boxing and Muya-Thai. MT is a TMA, but I accept his broader point - in broad terms i.e. I don't know of...
There have been Hop Gar fighters testing in MMA, and they used the basic seed fists. You should know that Diego. Chris Hienztman and Varon Webb as examples. If TCMA wants to compete in that...
Hi Kevin,
Kwong Bon Foo was very well known and is highly respected in the Tibetan MA circle.
I think John Howland: jdhowland, here on this forum, may be able to help you with his background. ...
If the issue is 'fighting' whatever that means, then as has been said here a gazillion times before: people, not styles, fight. That said, and I'm not a CLF practitioner, CLF is IMHO one of the best...
Good CLF is amongst the best TCMA there is.
That was at Leasowe on The Wirral near Liverpool, one of the two refs is George Ho who had a Hung Gar school on Wirral at the time.
Totally agree.
Yeah, why don't they? And where was the 'whining'? It was simply an observation, and one in context of a broader debate.
And I would agree, hence my son both did, and enjoyed Judo, and had my full support, just as he did for his Muay Thai.
As for your first paragraph, MMA even in a proto-form, isn't the Karate Kid,...
My son started with Judo at 8 and then in his teens went onto Muay Thai. Good coaches, which is what a responsible parent wants. My concern in the case (mis)quoted at the beginning of this thread...
Time will tell on that (re it being 'no different than kids doing Judo'). I sincrely hope you'll be proved right. Some Judo coaches won't let very young juniors do stuff like crossover arm bars on...
I started my son with Judo aged 8 (away from training with me) and then he went on to do Muay Thai. Now at nearly 17 he wants TCMA.
"The intelligence of a group is the inverse ratio of its size"
Carl Gustav Jung.
There you have it.... :)
You don't even have to 'think' about it consciously. Ideo-motor phenomenon are unconscious - hence the Ouja-Board, Table-Tilting and other dissociative (from conscious repsonsibility) effects in the...
The 'phsical' mechanism by the way is 'ideo-motor dynamics' - ideo (mind or intention - sounds familiar eh?) motor (movement) dynamics (in this instance the integrated - action that arises from an...
There's something known in clinical hypnosis as 'The Postural Sway Test' as an index of suggestability. It can be used to 'knock' people over, without contact, provided that their suggestabilty is...