
Type: Posts; User: Budokan

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  1. Rogue, I was thinking more of the basics and not...

    I was thinking more of the basics and not the kata. Kata is only an application of basics, as you well know. I would only count the basic moves and techniques of a style in regards to this...
  2. Replies

    You must be one o' dem slack-jawed trogs I was talkin' about earlier....

    Of course it wouldn't be all right if they were poor, genius. What makes you think that? And here's a "rolleyes" for your incredibly idiotic statement:
  3. Replies

    The world's a sh*thole filled with slack-jawed troglodytes

    Yeah, I saw this, too. The report said most of these kids were from well-to-do and upscale families. I guess there's not much surprise there. Much of the youth of today is execrable, IMO; tragic...
  4. My style, shotokan, is already so stripped down...

    My style, shotokan, is already so stripped down that you couldn't get rid of very much and expect it to remain "shotokan".
  5. Replies

    The cave man who splayed his hand out on the cave...

    The cave man who splayed his hand out on the cave wall, filled his mouth with ink and then sprayed it over his hand therby creating an image of his hand that would last for thousands of years....that...
  6. Replies

    Cyberkwoon has a martial arts fiction page; I...

    Cyberkwoon has a martial arts fiction page; I even have a couple of stories there myself. Otherwise, not too much MA fiction is around because it's such a narrowly specialized genre the major...
  7. Replies

    What did men do for relaxation?

    They would go down to the corner bar and have a few martinis and then come back to work and chase the secretary around the desk for the rest of the afternoon while commenting on how nice her jugs...
  8. Replies

    It's an urban legend. I expect a similar story...

    It's an urban legend. I expect a similar story was floating around the time of the Trojan War about a Grecian woman who flipped her chariot and had to pick it up to save her baby....

    The fact...
  9. Replies

    Yes, like all fads (and yes, it was a fad,...

    Yes, like all fads (and yes, it was a fad, although that's not to denigrate its fighting style and techniques) BJJ has taken a downturn. Not surprising seeing as how it was red hot with hype for so...
  10. Replies

    I often beat myself senseless. Easy to...

    I often beat myself senseless. Easy to accomplish since I have so very little sense to begin with. *scratches head* Or do I simply beat myself off until I'm senseless? Hm, I'll have to get back...
  11. Replies

    Good question. I've heard both JMA and CMA use...

    Good question. I've heard both JMA and CMA use it, though. Where DID it originate...?
  12. Replies

    I hope GDA comes back. Anyone who wants to rape...

    I hope GDA comes back. Anyone who wants to rape older people with broken glass and drink their anal blood can't be all bad.
  13. Good post. And as for someone who doesn't want...

    Good post. And as for someone who doesn't want to fight...well, then shouldn't you train as if you had to fight in order to avoid a fight when crunch time comes?

    Another good observation made on...
  14. Replies

    Happy birthday, Brandon!

    Happy birthday, Brandon!
  15. I'd be more than willing to take a welt on my a$$...

    I'd be more than willing to take a welt on my a$$ for a thousand bucks but they'd first have to shave the hair away for the welt to properly form. But I'd let them do that, too. I'm not fickle.
  16. No basis whatsoever, I simply make it up out of...

    No basis whatsoever, I simply make it up out of whole cloth. This is KFO after all...!
  17. I always shop in my local grocery store...

    I always shop in my local grocery store completely naked. No one seems to mind or notice. I guess it's the thick matted hair all over my body -- people must think I'm wearing a fur shirt and pants...
  18. Over reaction to what is probably a hoax anyway.

    Shades of bonsai kittens. Remember that hoax? And even if it's not a hoax, here's something many of the detractors have forgotten:

    The guy who runs this shenanigan was on the national news...
  19. LOL @ the turn this thread has taken.... Don't...

    LOL @ the turn this thread has taken.... Don't hold back, Xebs, how do you really feel about the matter?
  20. Replies

    lol @ the "time for more gun control" smack. ...

    lol @ the "time for more gun control" smack.

    And I have to agree with GDA that the teddy bear incident wouldn't have happened either if I were in charge of this milk-gutted sh*thole we call a...
  21. Replies

    I used to do bonsai, mostly juniper and pine, but...

    I used to do bonsai, mostly juniper and pine, but they died on me. Perhaps it was because I would go out early in the morning and scream right-wing vitriol at them and refuse to water them unless...
  22. Replies

    The initial post on this thread

    Get used to it, Limbaugh Licker, the liberals in this country aren't going away. Now go masturbate with the flag and drool over your autographed picture of Savage.

  23. Replies

    Yep, that's how I found it too...

    Yep, that's how I found it too...
  24. Presidents are more than willing to take credit...

    Presidents are more than willing to take credit for a good economy when they've had absolutely nothing to do with generating said economic numbers. They have to take a bite of the sh*t sandwich when...
  25. Replies

    "Have you seen Vietcong Guerilla in firefights...

    "Have you seen Vietcong Guerilla in firefights with American soldiers in the middle of Atlanta?"

    Thankfully, no. And we can thank Shrub for that one, too. Word must have gotten out to Ho Chi...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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