
Type: Posts; User: paulcaz

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  1. Catch wrestling for me has been a tremendous...

    Catch wrestling for me has been a tremendous compliment to wing chun. Once the distance is closed/crashed/compromised CACC is effective at answering those types of questions. It is messy, brutal and...
  2. Replies

    Both of them are clinching the neck which is a...

    Both of them are clinching the neck which is a subtle mistake. The palms should be at the back of the head to enable you, the clincher, to bend the neck and have better control of the opponent. If...
  3. Replies

    Looks like a combo of training ideas from tai chi...

    Looks like a combo of training ideas from tai chi and Systema. Nothing remarkable. Would be remarkable if his partner had gloves on and was allowed to move his feet rather than standing still,
  4. Replies

    Love it, nice alive training

    Love it, nice alive training
  5. Replies

    Sticky: A clip from my old teacher, there are loads of...

    A clip from my old teacher, there are loads of other good tutorial clips on their YouTube page too:

    This is the calf compression, calf crusher/slicer
  6. Thread: Online madness

    by paulcaz

    I trained with him in the 90s and appeared to be...

    I trained with him in the 90s and appeared to be very skillful and in much better physical and psychological condition. Sad demise.
  7. Replies

    KO whilst moving backwards

    So this week on the new series of TUF (Penn v Edgar) there is a fight when one of the dudes gets KO's whilst moving forward. The other, as you will see has excellent timing, footwork (distance...
  8. Powerful words

    Powerful words
  9. It is not for me say to say what is and what is...

    It is not for me say to say what is and what is not wing chun, on the other hand it is. No one owns it so what gives any of us the right to tell anyone else what they are doing is or is not wing...
  10. Seriously, who cares what it looks like? If it...

    Seriously, who cares what it looks like? If it is functional and works adhering to wing chun principles then it is wing chun. For me it is all about evolution and testing through pressure otherwise...
  11. Replies

    The early films were fantastic and got me really...

    The early films were fantastic and got me really buzzed about Aikido, then I went to visit a few clubs and stayed away. Hr brought a different visual to screen violence and did it rather well.
  12. Replies

    I thought it was a highly entertaining match,...

    I thought it was a highly entertaining match, Bravo clearly dominated and Royler demonstrated yet again how tough he is; the neck crank, the electric chair and calf compression would have seen off...
  13. Nice to see the concepts and attributes of wing...

    Nice to see the concepts and attributes of wing chun being applied in MMA. This is something I am exploring in own training at the moment. My fear is that many wing chun people will not appreciate...
  14. Replies

    I believe it is vital to have some type of...

    I believe it is vital to have some type of contact in your training. MMA and BJJ gave me this. From the rough and tumble, the chaos and proximity of free form sparring you learn a lot about yourself,...
Results 1 to 14 of 15