Do you find any problem hitting with just your smallest knuckle to hard objects like heads?
I think structure is important in terms of hip elbow connection, but elbow usage in the system is the...
Type: Posts; User: guy b.
Do you find any problem hitting with just your smallest knuckle to hard objects like heads?
I think structure is important in terms of hip elbow connection, but elbow usage in the system is the...
Interesting anecdote, but the fact is that standing arm bars are a very low % move and I think that the other reasons for using a vertival fist in VT are much more important.
Anyone trying to add WB to VT simply doesn't understand VT.
Yes, arm break sounds like a fantasy move.
I think it takes longer to punch hard the VT way, but that is a primary goal of training. Power is sufficient in VT to do the job, and the other...
Here is some analysis of a legendary MT vs Kickboxing fight which shows that it isn't as simple as adding a few kicks to a boxing stance. Doing so while retaining boxing movement and weighting leaves...
And another:
Another example
An opinion from another site:
This person hopes that kicking can be added to boxing without changing it in any way. I can see why they hope this- it would be much easier if we could just pick...
How do you mean?
The discussion is about the punch in VT? VT punch does not twist.
Thanks for your comment, but I think you have gap filling and cross training mixed up? The above does not represent a gap in VT understanding that needs to be filled.
Correct. Videos of the deficiencies of boxing at long range where kicks are allowed are easy to find. Boxing footwork simply doesn't work under this expanded ruleset.
Absolutely, a crucial point!
Yes kyokushin stance is a compromise stance, not as extreme as traditional MT which sometimes even turns the front foot out in order to square hips, but still retaining good defensive potential in...
An opinion from another forum:
Boxers have a problem with kicking because the front foot is weighted, often turned in, the rear foot is not turned out, hips are back and not square, and they...
There has been some recent discussion about what it means to gap fill in martial arts, and some fundamental misunderstanding of the terms used.
Filling gaps in understanding happens when a system...
This thread, post #49
I think that Nobody Important here shows that his system is not like YMVT at all, and how...
This is worth repeating
This is one reason. The other is the use of the elbow in the VT punch, allowing simultaneous attack and defence.
Critically discussing something is not bullying or trolling.
Contact and pre-contact only
These clips from PB show a few elements of VT non contact strategy which can be used at longer range. VT of course has a long range game just as boxing does, and in fact more so due to artificial...
Hmm, yes he doesn't really engage centre at all. He steps back to maintain distance in fact. Working at this range, and with this approach, the only way to affect the opponent's balance and movement...
So back to the elbow- why is it important to keep the elbow down in VT?
No wrong answers, opinions welcome
A controversial opinion from Saul Goodman/Nobody Important/dlcox on Martial Talk:
Is chi sau a method of pummeling? If so then what is it developing and why?
Opinions welcome.