If you think that, then I think you are misinterpreting my whole position. Regardless of what the past, or other, unrelated squabbles here might suggest.
Consequently, I think the "lynch mob"...
Type: Posts; User: Flusher
If you think that, then I think you are misinterpreting my whole position. Regardless of what the past, or other, unrelated squabbles here might suggest.
Consequently, I think the "lynch mob"...
...if you really feel the need, it is certainly your right to do so. Although within the 20 or so posts I've made, I've done little other than ask questions. Questions that are harmless enough to...
Clearly, you are not understanding my question.
I understand that *in general* there are cases that justify it. I went on to give you a specific example:
Of the many scenarios that might...
Gene, I am not really stirring things up this time. Nor do intend to. Why don't you just give us a straightforward answer...
All, fair Gene. But why unmask an anon poster for unmasking another?
You've made it clear you get to pick and choose who's masquerades are acceptable or not. Are you implying this forum is a "secret martial society", subject to the etiquette of such?
I specifically referenced cases in which there is no legal involvement. What then?
Nah... It's code for the romanticists who would rather believe one must be initiated, rather than intelligent and creative.
I am aware of at least one incident on this board where ssid/i.p. and "cross" accounts were revealed to another member without the owner of the cross accounts being warned, or even notified. There...
That *sounds* fair enough, sure. But it begs the question, are ALL misbehavers handled the same way?
Is that why you do it? ;)
Regardless, does the choice to remain anonymous nullify privacy rights, *without* legal intervention? I am talking a subpoena here, not just a letter or phone call from...
....that would be a "problem", yes. But aren't there examples of those who go/went for combat first? Ones whom have not merely trained against others, but truly tested, successfully?
We still...
Gene, I have a question regarding confidentiality in general on this forum. Not related to the specific incidents you reference in this thread.
Is it policy and practice to divulge IP addresses...
The problem for TCMA is that the majority of folks doing just that, aren't doing so well.
Exactly. Yet the usual suspects will continue to claim that the rules of even the least restricted MMA matches nullify their training.
I am well familiar with the sport vs reality cop-out. IMA/TCMA does not seem to fare well in a sport context. The only video examples we've seen here did not come from the "mainstream". Just from...
I noticed you removed your second lament- "TCMA techniques are not effective and need more full contact testing" .
Why? Unless.....
Until a 120 pounder takes out a 260lb MMA guy, a la Yang Lu...
Considering it to be subjectively superior is one thing. But many, if not most "pure" IMA people will claim that it is superior, objectively. But then become indignant when honest, valid criticism...
I have found that the only people who believe in the superiority of IMA, are IMA people.
There are also droves of folks who actually believe that hard work alone gets the job done. I would put...
What compels that belief? What justifies it?
Safe path? Really? Or are you just trolling....? This begs the questions, what makes IMA superior? What shows that it is so?