get a job as a carpenters assistant and swing a hammer all day. will workout your grip like no other
Type: Posts; User: Justinrohrman
get a job as a carpenters assistant and swing a hammer all day. will workout your grip like no other
After making my own last year I can understand why. It's such a pain to drill through the wooden body, and I only oak for my body.
ahhhhh **** :( well since its a sugar substitute at least its not as addictive as sugar is.
but i still sell myself for sugar substitute, AND I'm gonna get cancer form it. Maby i my teabaggin mouth
I let a guy teabag me for a packet of sweet&low. does that count?
do push ups while holding onto sticks/poles hammer fist style.
various rotations of the wrist and arm with a sledgehammer or traditional block
tiger,or other claw type, grabs into sand
just curious, would this lead to some type of arthritic type problems down the road, since it is on the joint of the wrist? not instigating, just wondering.
-Lucas Thank Youvery much, that helped
-SanHeChuan I understand what you are saying that simply picking a style that you think you are interested in is a luxury not afforded to people.
- To...
A friend said to me the other day that Tiger would be the best for me to go with since I'm a bigger, though not fat, and stronger guy.
Thoughts? :confused:
I agree w couch you can try it out and if it dosnt fit your wants/needs you can move on. I live right by Atlantic Cit in NJ an will most likely be getting into some WC myself in the next few months;...
I only read parts of it, but found the portions about steroids to be absolutely ridiculous and near laughable. What is the point of listing side effects such as increased libido? And including some...
That was really impressive. Now I just need to slow it down so I can analyze it better :D
I saw that there were other videos on the link, but i cold not make out the names of those. Any ideas?
I'm not hating, but please do not get any info in regards to lifting from mens health. There are just simply better periodicals out there for that type of information.
- Lifting for Heavy weight with low reps is not good for the joints. Simply because there are less reps being done does not make it easier on the tendons, ligaments, and joints.
- Benching can be...
Thats really cool man. I just moved and my current lack of funds has kept me from re-joining a gym. Thus I have made my own, an its just about the same thing as yours. Very cool.
Theres no benchpress in his training because it dosent really result in stronger punches. I have a much more developed lifting background than a martial one, but the bench dosent do much for a...