But how could Cheung Lai Cheun become so dangerous and such a great fighter all of a sudden without learning new stuff from someone with drastically more knowledge and skill?
Type: Posts; User: Faruq
But how could Cheung Lai Cheun become so dangerous and such a great fighter all of a sudden without learning new stuff from someone with drastically more knowledge and skill?
I met a guy who went there for shorter periods like month long or semester long stays and for what it's worth he said that you get a way different perspective on how to do a technique when you work...
Ha ha. What is this "Wing Chun" guy's fighting record and who's his teacher? The only thing Wing Chun about him is his on guard stance ha ha. Why do these guys with no fights always decide to go...
Ha ha. What is this "Wing Chun" guy's fighting record and who's his teacher? The only thing Wing Chun about him is his on guard stance ha ha. Why do these guys with no fights always decide to go...
Somehow, unless you ship 'em out to some place like Indonesia where quite a few women have been known to defend themselves successfully to apprentice under some serious teachers for 10 - 15 years, I...
Anyone seen "Don Jon" yet? I expected it to be a worthless spoof of "Jersey Shore", but was surprised to find there was a lot of substance to it. I have not been trained in movie critiquing or...
Yes I do, you callous #%$tard! Though I had finally gotten past it after decades of painful psychotherapy until you brought it up again! Thanks a lot, Bawang!
Dave, note I only used the words "wushu" and "movies" (ie. entertainment). Nowhere did I use the words "combat", "kung fu" or "useful" in my post or in any way relating to Paulie Zink lol.
from all the detailed threads on this i know this is fake, but holy cow! i've never seen anything like this in my life! OMG! i know it's not tai sheng pek kwar men, but it's definitely amazing...
Yeah, that's Dragonclaw's sifu, isn't it! I guess he only spends half the year here in the U.S. Dragonclaw says he's amazing!
If you keep your ear to the ground you'll hear that...
Brian Snapp's Green Mountain Martial Arts at GM-MA.com is planning to bring Paul Whitrod over in June for his first trip to the states. I'm...
Okay, so no one here's done it. I'm gonna do it within the next three weeks. Two co-workers of mine have done it several times and were the ones who put me on to it. They did Hulda Clarke's...
They neglect to mention however how much harder chimps can hit, lol!
Has anyone heard of either of these similar cleanses that have been trending on youtube? They purport to purge the liver of the hundreds of thousands of liver stones (inter hepatic stones) that clog...
I had always heard veterans saying that the amount they got for college in like the GI bill and other programs only paid a small amount for their college. It seems like you just explained what they...
I don't know, when I saw it downtown on Saturday, the theater was packed with mostly White people. Blacks were only maybe 20%. That being said, I think those people were fans of Tarantino movies,...
Yeah, that chick from the Huffington Post is stupid. Roots was not just as effective. Visitors from other countries like the character Christoph Waltz played
probably threw up, had nightmares and...
I agree with that! And who knew a black guy wrote "the Three Musketeers"? They've made dozens of cartoons, movies and action figures based on that series. Who'd've thunk it, lol? Not that it...
Impressive, but the Gracies know how to deal with Capoeira practitioners so I just wonder how well he'd do in the upper echelons. Or at least beasts like Wanderlei Silva, Vitor Belfort, the Spider,...
Hey, what the heck are you saying??? You got a problem with fetishes, bro???
Me too Baweezy. But neither of us have the courage to contact those guys at the youtube channel, the money to travel to bedsty, the money to buy the razor blades and the kevlar vests, the discipline...
Thank you Bawang Shi Gung for interpreting the passage for me. I must admit that I've always misinterpreted it. Thank you!
I didn't believe all those 52 blocks videos on youtube were real 52 blocks because of how lame so many of them look, so I contacted a buddy from bedstuy and asked him. He was telling me most of the...
Yeah, I've seen that on the net too:
"Risk of Qigong 走火入魔
by: Joe Hing Kwok Chu
What is the risk of doing qigong?
Institutions that teach qigong have been sued by people who are taking...
If I'm not mistaken Bruce Kumar Frantzis has a chapter on this in his book "Opening The Energy Gates of Your Body". Well actually, on qigong gone wrong in general.
Yeah, here it is on p.157:...