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Thread: Forms

  1. #1


    Hello I want to ask some JKD practioners whether or not there are any forms in JKD?
    Also, what sort of speed training drills do you use?
    Train hard, live long and prosper.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    im prity sure there aren't any forms as it is formless so it can take any form

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Hico, Tx
    There are no forms like trad. martial arts. We go through drills like boxers and kickboxers do to put together combos but they're not static and unchanging.

    Speed drill: at arms length your partner holds a focus mitt and you try to punch it before he moves it. When you hit it consistently he moves back six inches. The real key to speed is having no wasted motion. Of course it also doesn't matter how fast you are if you telegraph what you're about to do...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Belfast, N.Ireland

    Forms in JF/JKD

    On the contrary, in Bruces first school in seattle he practiced forms quite a lot. He practiced the Sil lim tao, chum Kui, part of the Bil gee, a Tai chi form, and a praying mantis kicking form i think. Not to sure about the last one but the rest i am sure of.

    Wing Chun Gung Fu is an essential part of JF/JKD training and as such i think serious practitioners should practice the Wing chun first form at least, as it contains a lot of tools used in JF/JKD.

    Some people say that Bruce abandoned forms, this is true to a certain extent, he didn't teach forms, as he did not think they essential for what he was teaching but he never stopped practicing forms himself.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Alexandria, VA
    well, that's a good point. but JKD as it's practiced now may be a different thing. it didn't end with bruce. it has been shaped by the people that followed him. quite a bit.

    i think it depends rather heavily on who you're learning from. the JKD concepts teachers, particularly, may or may not incorporate some forms. i think the ones that took to silat may teach some of the djurus. but, again, the question is "is that form now a part of JKD? or was it simply a silat form taught to me by a JKD teacher?"

    short answer: i don't know. that's one for the philosophers.

    stuart b.

  6. #6
    While JKD tend not to have solo forms, it employs many different type of drills especially partner drills. These may include chi sao from wing chun, hubud lubud (tying and untying) drills from kali, or focus pad type drills which incorporates the whole range of weapons including boxing, trapping, and kicks. Although as was mentioned there are some that incoporate some jurus from silat, I don't think that is normally focussed on.

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