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Thread: The Atkins Diet - Your Opinions

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, NSW, Australia
    That is why I got my bloodwork done before I started, and will have it checked every month or so.
    Behold, I see my father and mother.
    I see all my dead relatives seated.
    I see my master seated in Paradise and Paradise is beautiful and green; with him are men and boy servants.
    He calls me. Take me to him.

  2. #32

    Cool The point is....

    ~So to reiterate the point that I made earlier, each person has a different body chemistry and that needs to be taken into account. If you fail to loose weight one way, then try another. Usually all healthy weight loss is going to come from a few basic items. Diet, (different for everyone), exercise, (should be a given), water consumption, (needed to flush the system). That is, your total life style is going to affect your weight, not just one small point.
    ~Just because something does not work for you, does not mean that it won't work for others. You need to find what works for you. I know several people that try a vegan and vegetarian diet and actually GAIN a lot of excess weight. I also know those sick individuals that can eat everything and anything in site in excess and still not gain an ounce. It might not sound fair, but that is life, get over it.
    ~A low carb diet works for some, for others it does not. For me it did, Now I don't do a "low carb diet", I just watch when I eat what I eat.
    ~Perhaps we need to also think of why we want to lose weight in the first place. Is due to health? Peer pressure? Dissatisfaction with how we look? To impress others? Quite frankly, unless you are in the military and have a weight standard to meet, or you need to loss weight because of health reasons, I would not worry so much about it. We have been fed this line of crap that says that unless we look like a model or a movie star we are not sexy or worthwhile.
    ~If it is a self esteem thing you are trying to get over, then I reccomend putting effort into progress in your martial arts training and intellectual or skill type endeavours. Success will cause an increased positive feeling about yourself if you let it.
    ~Hope that was helpful for you all. Again, dont worry about your weight unless it affects your health. Just train well and enjoy yourself and life.


    Sin Loi

    yi beng, kan xue

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Sydney, NSW, Australia
    Just lost another kilo.
    Behold, I see my father and mother.
    I see all my dead relatives seated.
    I see my master seated in Paradise and Paradise is beautiful and green; with him are men and boy servants.
    He calls me. Take me to him.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    Fremont, CA, U.S.A.

    gout fallout

    A painful disease once known for afflicting wealthy kings is making a comeback, and fad diets like keto may be partly to blame
    Hilary Brueck, provided by
    | on January 10, 2019

    The prevalence of gout in the US population is expected to continue rising in the coming years. Photo: Dan Dalton/Getty Images/Caiaimage
    Photo: Dan Dalton/Getty Images/Caiaimage

    The prevalence of gout in the US population is expected to continue rising in the coming years.

    Gout is on the rise as more Americans indulge in purine-rich foods like beer, bacon, and beef.

    Being overweight can put people at risk of developing the form of arthritis, as can some fad diets like keto and Atkins if dieters consume too much meat.

    The prevalence of gout in the US population is expected to continue rising in the coming years.

    Feast like a king, and you could get gout like one too.

    The condition, a type of inflammatory arthritis, can arise when people load up on purine-rich foods and drinks — things like bacon, steak, scallops, veal, and alcohol. Eating and drinking too much of this stuff can cause harmful stores of uric acid to build up in our joints. That buildup can lead to sudden, painful gout symptoms in the hands and feet.

    Gout has been identified clinically since at least the time of ancient Egyptians, around 2640 BC. Traditionally, this form of arthritis affected only the small sliver of society that could afford rich meats and sugary alcohols — hence its reputation as the "disease of kings." But no more.

    Gout is making a comeback across the US. The Lewin Group, a healthcare consulting firm, estimated in 2006 that the prevalence of gout across the country would increase by 38% by 2025. The condition already affects more than one in 25 Americans and is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis, according to the Arthritis Foundation.

    One recent example: Paul Manafort, President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman, reportedly has gout that sometimes leads him to use a wheelchair.

    Hippocrates called gouty arthritis the "unwalkable disease," since the sudden pains of a bout of gout can make it nearly impossible to move.

    "An attack of gout can occur suddenly, often waking you up in the middle of the night with the sensation that your big toe is on fire," the Mayo Clinic said. "The affected joint is hot, swollen and so tender that even the weight of the sheet on it may seem intolerable."

    Gout is often triggered by hyperuricemia, or too much uric acid in our blood — the body is either producing too much or not getting rid of enough of it, so uric acid crystals begin to build up in tissues and joints. The reason poor diets make it easier to get gout is that the purine compounds in some meat, seafood, and alcohol can easily raise a person's uric acid to unsafe levels.

    During a gout episode, a person's toes, ankles, knees, elbows, wrists, and fingers can become swollen, hot, and red. The pain is most severe during the first hours, but the discomfort can last for days or weeks. People with gout can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen (Advil) to help ease their symptoms, and ice packs can also help hurting joints. Some prescription drugs can block uric acid production in the body (xanthine oxidase inhibitors) and help remove uric acid (uricosurics).

    People with advanced gout flare-ups can develop bulbous nodules under their skin called tophi, which are bulging deposits of urate crystals.

    Back in the day, Benjamin Franklin (a well-known beer lover) had gout, as did Thomas Jefferson.

    In 2011, a study of more than 5,700 Americans found that 5.9% of US men and 2% of women had gout, partly because people are getting heavier and high blood pressure is becoming more common.

    Being overweight can promote gout attacks because extra weight leads to more uric acid production in the body and makes it more difficult for the kidneys — the body's built-in detoxifiers — to flush that acid. Making matters worse, drugs for high blood pressure, like water pills that make your kidneys release more sodium, often increase levels of uric acid in the body.

    Our modern diets and habits of eating to excess are also partly to blame for the condition's prevalence. Doctors have suggested that more sugary drinks in our diets may play a role as well.

    The number of people with gout is expected to continue ballooning in the coming years, along with the nation's obesity epidemic.

    Some fad diets increase people's risk of gout too. Followers of the keto diet and other low-carbohydrate regimens sometimes trade in carb-heavy foods for more beef and other gout-inducing foods.

    "Quick-fix diets like keto and paleo, where your intake is very high in fat and proteins, those can lead to gout," Dr. Leigh Vinocur recently told The Cut. "It's ironic: modern living — from the food industrial complex to those brand-new diets like keto — have led to an uptick in one of the world's earliest diseases."

    Read more: Silicon Valley's favorite diet can lead to kidney trouble — here's how to go keto without getting sick

    But that doesn't have to be the case if low-carb diets like keto are done properly. A 2017 Yale study that used mice suggested that a keto diet may actually protect against gout by reducing inflammation in the body.

    "It's actually a better condition, as long as one stays in nutritional ketosis," Dr. Stephen Phinney, the founder of Virta Health, recently said in a video.

    Other doctors agree that relying too much on meat is a flawed approach to keto eating.

    "Some of the problem might lie in the way that people interpret the keto diet," Dr. Thomas Chi, a urologist at the University of California at San Francisco, recently told Business Insider. He added that a combination of " tons of meat" and not enough water could lead to kidney stones — another complication of gout.

    Rapid weight loss and yo-yo-dieting strategies can also contribute to severe ups and downs in the body's uric acid levels, something that can also trigger gout.

    "The body loves consistency," Phinney said.
    The Atkins Diet - Your Opinions
    Gene Ching
    Author of Shaolin Trips
    Support our forum by getting your gear at MartialArtSmart

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Hong Kong
    IMHO, the Atkins Diet fits the bill of athlete who wants to be grow more muscles.


    Hong Kong

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 1970
    I think the Keto way is actually more than a fad and you will see greater results in a shorter period of time with less adverse effects on the body than what gets happening under an atkins diet.

    Keto is essentially high in clear fats, fairly high in protein and very low in carbohydrates (sugars).
    Atkins is a meat diet for the most part.

    My wife and I practice eating towards Ketosis. Burning fats instead of carbs, most carbs are empty and of little nutritional value.
    When fats become the better part of your diet, you are eating in a more natural kind of way. Even carnivore/omnivore animals attack the fatty stuff and the organs first, lean meats are left to last.

    Anyway, it takes a little while to figure it out, but essentially the idea is to stop putting useless things into your body as fuel. I used to think a calorie is just a calorie, burn more than you put in and you're golden. Right? Wrong. Sure, you'll be thinner, but without the proper nutrients, you'll be weak as a kitten most of the time.

    In that sense, eating Keto and regularly exercising with a lot of cardio gets you in pretty decent shape.

    If you are under 30 years old pay no attention to any of this. Your body isn't turning genes on and off yet, you aren't experiencing weird hormonal stuff at that time an basically you are at optimum barring a youth time of poor habits that has rendered you obese and addicted to sugars.

    I can almost swear by Keto at this point, but I will let you know for sure as we really work towards making it a full part of our lifestyle.
    Kung Fu is good for you.

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